Dudes!! My friend Spencer sent out this email to the peeps on his "fan list" (he's a comedian...at least he likes to THINK he is!!
"Dear Comedy Fans
I apologize to any one who went to the knitting factory show last night. I was sitting on the train in the north hollywood station en route to hollywood and highland, when they asked us all to get off the train. Then they asked us to leave the station. Then a cop showed up. They never said what actually happend. Could be terrorists, could be bears, could be the communists. I've not followed up on it. I apologize to anyone who did make it to the show.
Please forgive me
Weird, eh? Makes me curious...
My sis was at the subway station in London on the morning of the first attacks there...Scary ass shit!!!
And to continue w/my "I'm so psyched about Halloween" theme...hehe...
Hot, eh?!! This little philly may just make me forget about the thing I have for the drool-a-licious Miss Bea Arthur...rawwwr!!!
Do I know how to start a day off right or what?
Thankfully it's early in the morning, so those images won't burn itself into my mind.
I like your pics....especially the Magnum PI!!!!