Sorry to be mopey and whiny again, but I had the most awful time on a shoot I did this morning!!! I will spare you the details, but I feel very sad and hate all kinds of icky,bad people right now...Here is a gratuitous pic of me looking sad that I took 2 seconds ago...
See, I'm royally bumming.
(and yeah, I'm naked...I pretty much always am when I'm at home...'Tis my way. )
Usually I go skydiving when I feel so frustrated/bummed/whatever, but I have too much crap to take care of to be able to do that right now. So, I will settle for cuddling w/my kitty, reading comics, and drinking a nice cup of green tea for a bit...Hopefully I'll feel like myself again soon...Being sad and mopey is no fun at all!!
Hope you guys are all doing amazingly well...I will talk to later on...After I get rid of all the sad ickiness I'm experiencing at the moment.
Peace and love...Ravyn
PS- My "badass" SG shoot didn't turn out the way I wanted it to at all.
I was going to reenact a Japanese suicide ritual (sans violence, of course, due to the whole censorship crap happening right now)...I ws even going to borrow my friend's badassical $6000 sword...Would've been sweet...But it didn't work out, so we ended up shooting something TOTALLY different...Just checked out the pics a little bit ago, and they suck royally...I doubt I'll even submit them...But, I will wait and check them out again after I am un-sad, JIC my mood is altering my perception a bit...Just wanted to update you on that, since you guys were so sweet and convinced me I'd fit in as a SG...I'll post some of the pics on here for you to check out if I decide to "scrap" them....***hugs!!***
See, I'm royally bumming.
Usually I go skydiving when I feel so frustrated/bummed/whatever, but I have too much crap to take care of to be able to do that right now. So, I will settle for cuddling w/my kitty, reading comics, and drinking a nice cup of green tea for a bit...Hopefully I'll feel like myself again soon...Being sad and mopey is no fun at all!!
Hope you guys are all doing amazingly well...I will talk to later on...After I get rid of all the sad ickiness I'm experiencing at the moment.
Peace and love...Ravyn
PS- My "badass" SG shoot didn't turn out the way I wanted it to at all.
But it's looking to get better.