boo, Feather locklear passed away, she was just too sick and weak but at least she died free! and Henifer is doing GREAT!!! and CLuck is so happy to have a buddy
Days like this at work I'm ready to quit now and become a full time student.
But I'm sure in the long run I'll appreciate having as little student loan debt as possible.
Looking at local casket companies for job openings with no dice. Spent the day looking at burial shrouds for funsies, SO EXPENSIVE ( like 350 for essentially a cotton... Read More
I think the prof really makes or breaks any class, but the one who taught mine was one of the best. Seems most teachers, whether high school or university, try to teach their own political, religious, or social views to young and impressionable students who happen to be in a very vulnerable state of mental chaos. This guy never did. He asked questions, forced students to think for themselves.
It took me like at least half the movie to realize that he was a sex addict and that was what the movie was about. I guess since I lived with one for 3 years and was one myself it took some time for me to remember that... Read More
Biopsy avoided this time. The Dr. said the spots on my cervix didn't look troubling enough to biopsy, just got a scraping instead. Not fun, but not nearly as bad as the biopsy!
I told her I kind of felt like I won the lottery.
However, she did say I have a very small cervix, and since I haven't had kids inserting the IUD... Read More