Was going to build a rack to keep my canvases/framed pics unmolested in storage. Instead I just ran twine through the slats at the top and bottom of my extra hanging clothes cart. now all the paintings are seperated and happy! and it cost me nothing! woot!

also! going to spend the next 2 days at my dads house and my sister and her family will be there too!!!
i think I have had about 5 or 6 thanksgivings off in the past 13 years at my job and this is the first time I've had one with my dad and sister in years. soooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

also! going to spend the next 2 days at my dads house and my sister and her family will be there too!!!

Very nice to have Thanksgiving off, even better to have a lot of the family with you.