Warning-this is a dream recap. Take it for what it's worth:

I'm tan-skinned, dark-haired woman who is lying face down on a massage table. The room is painted a deep orange, and candlelight flickers at the edges of my vision. Her long, black hair is in a bun, and both arms are raised, hanging over the edge of the table instead of at her side....
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unfortunate photography, eh?
lately i've gotten into the habit of buying photos of ugly families at thrift stores
Something fucked up is in the air. Been a lot of people on edge today, and I'm no exception. The stress level grew to the point where my jaw was clenched and I was literally shaking, and, worse, I have absolutely no explanation for it. Fuck this shit.
do you ever read tom robbins? he has this theory, (it might be his,) called lunaception, where all the women who arn't on any type of birth control, are all super hormonal and can't concentrate, and are all "crazy" at the same time, the men subconsciously pick this up and respond by becomming antagonistic to women, this creates tension,
now this may all be a bunch of new age ritualistic bullshit, but i know around the week of the 20th, in every month , i get all crazy and so do the women i hang around, so maybe that has something to do with it?
i just finished re-reading Jitterbug Perfume, as a matter of fact. I suspect you're on to something here....
Yesterday, when I was driving in to work, I had a remarkably vivid mental image...it was more than an "image", which implies something flat and visual, it was more like "everything"-sights, sounds, feelings ("they talk in emotional aggregates"). This is going to come across as morbid, but I can assure you it was anything but.

I had Mogwai on the stereo, and "2 Rights Make...
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Welcome to Bizarro world! Us hate it here so never want to leave!
Me want something because it is bad!
Me stop doing what makes I most happy! Hooray! Good are me!
Me say me do something so me forget to do it!
Me smart so must not do anything that makes sense to I.
Me foolish and believe what people say and do!
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[Edited on Oct 22, 2003 11:25PM]
My cunning plan worked better this time than last time. The quality is still sub-par, but at least the result can be recognised, and that is a big improvement.

Got to see Mogwai for the second time in two nights-this time with Stephanie. The bands switched, so this time, Mogwai went on earlier, which was a blessing. Nothing against Trail of Dead (except their singer...
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Well, happy happy joy joy. Spent Sunday on beautiful south Congress chilling and meeting some of the Austin journal crowd, some of whom were a little appalled when they finally got around to asking what the "SG" on my t-shirt stood for. Never a dull moment. It's fun to see what memes are being represented on t's these days-saw a guy in a j-list shirt...
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Are you gonna come to San Antonio on the 20th for our latest get together?? Go to the Texas Group forum and read up on the latest postings.

Ok, here's an entry for the ladies: When you know a guy is interested in you and do not wish to encourage him, here are a few things not to do:

1. Tell him you love him every time you talk.
2. Hold his hand every time you're in public together.
3. Tell him that you could see the two of you married.
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My friends = lame. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't single-handedly win the pub quiz at Fado. That's right-not a single other soul showed up, and, since I haven't eaten but one meal in 4 days, the Guinness went straight to my head. Normally, that would be good, but not so much when trying to recall obscure facts. As John Quincy Adams once said, "Que...
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Well well well-one of my favorite activities when I lived in Dallas was pub trivia. A couple of my friends have invited me to join them on Monday at Fado. I'm grinning already. This reminds me of the time a couple of my college friends asked me if I wanted to learn to play poker...*evil grin*

Perfect time to break out my Hello Kitty Football...
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All the omens and portents are pointing towards August as being a month when everything is going to reboot. I really hate commiting to one course of action and immediately discovering that you've chosen poorly. I'm going to be in mole mode this weekend, so my posts aren't going to be terribly interesting, unless you just happen to like prose that reads like goth poetry....
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In case you missed it, 5 American Saddlebred show horses were attacked a couple of weeks ago. An unknown assailant injected the horses with an unknown, caustic substance that ruined one of each of their legs, ending their careers as show horses. This attack came on the eve of a major show. As of today, two of the horses have had to be euthenised, including...
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I finally worked it out, I think. The reason I keep repeating the same dumb shit with girls.

I am a slut.

Stay with me on this-it's good: You know the cliche about insecure women using sex to attempt to gain approval and the illusion of love? How they'll sleep with some guy way too easily and basically put herself completely at his service without...
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you have the comics then i assume? ya know the page with my quote on it, her in the 40 WATT CLUB shirt and such? i'm getting that tattooed on my upper right arm as soon as i get the damn money. she's my hero, my goal in life is to be just like her. i also loved that typewriter quote... badass skull