I am so tired, and I really don't want to study my Latin. Thus I give you an update in list form.
The Good:
1. My girlfriend came to visit and she gave me love and kisses and handed me my ass at foosball.
2. My classes are great, and I even got into the one I had to lottery for.
3. I bought the Mudhoney album Tomorrow Hits Today. I think it beats Super Fuzz Big Muff as my favorite cd by them.
4. I met a really cool girl from New Orleans that my school is hosting. She was sitting alone at one of the social events wearing a Leftover Crack hoody and I decided to go up and talk to her. We will probably hang out later.
5. My roomies are cool and I have a single in our suite. Our dorm is usually an upperclassmen dorm, but because of construction, a few underclassmen lucked out and got stuck in some of the nicer houses.
The Bad
1. I don't want drama when I come to sg. I want tasteful artistic nudes and, more importantly, a sense of community. I must admit that I was confused and didn't really know what to think for a few days, but Olivia's brilliant journal post really set my mind at ease.
2. A good friend of the family is in jail.
3. My single is really really tiny.
4. I've had next to no time to write since I have gotten here.
5. I am most looking forward to the sets by Kore, rosythewench, Anarchie, and Tish, and even with 4 sets a day all this month they have not gone up. Missy, I will send you cookies if any of them go up tomorrow.
6. My character in UrbanDead became zombie chow.
7. I need to do something different soon. I fear falling into and easy routine.
The Strange or Otherwise Noteworthy
1. There is a mosquito bite on each of my hands in almost exactly the same spot.
2. Now that I am in the city I kind of want to go to one of the SG boston events, but it still seems a little weird to me to hang out with people who I have just talked to on the internet. Also, most of the people who would be there seem like they would be much older than me.
3. I have worn the first flanel of the year. This means that fall is officially here.
The Good:
1. My girlfriend came to visit and she gave me love and kisses and handed me my ass at foosball.

2. My classes are great, and I even got into the one I had to lottery for.
3. I bought the Mudhoney album Tomorrow Hits Today. I think it beats Super Fuzz Big Muff as my favorite cd by them.
4. I met a really cool girl from New Orleans that my school is hosting. She was sitting alone at one of the social events wearing a Leftover Crack hoody and I decided to go up and talk to her. We will probably hang out later.
5. My roomies are cool and I have a single in our suite. Our dorm is usually an upperclassmen dorm, but because of construction, a few underclassmen lucked out and got stuck in some of the nicer houses.
The Bad
1. I don't want drama when I come to sg. I want tasteful artistic nudes and, more importantly, a sense of community. I must admit that I was confused and didn't really know what to think for a few days, but Olivia's brilliant journal post really set my mind at ease.
2. A good friend of the family is in jail.
3. My single is really really tiny.
4. I've had next to no time to write since I have gotten here.
5. I am most looking forward to the sets by Kore, rosythewench, Anarchie, and Tish, and even with 4 sets a day all this month they have not gone up. Missy, I will send you cookies if any of them go up tomorrow.
6. My character in UrbanDead became zombie chow.
7. I need to do something different soon. I fear falling into and easy routine.
The Strange or Otherwise Noteworthy
1. There is a mosquito bite on each of my hands in almost exactly the same spot.
2. Now that I am in the city I kind of want to go to one of the SG boston events, but it still seems a little weird to me to hang out with people who I have just talked to on the internet. Also, most of the people who would be there seem like they would be much older than me.
3. I have worn the first flanel of the year. This means that fall is officially here.

I am glad that you're enjoying school though! Take care of Boston for meee!
and weird about the mosquito bites..
I know, i can't get enough from the official website to satisfy my craving for those twisted muppets.