Wow, havent been on in a while. Wouldn't even be on now. but I've recently been hit in the face with the thought that San Diego is a small town for such a big city, and I was wondering wha everyone's been up to.
Either way, I am getting out of here, heading to florida, because I am done with the military, soon. On the one hand, Yay. But then again, just because SD is small doesn't mean the wide world isnt a big and scary place. That thought is becoming more and more real to me, as things shape up for the future and deadlines loom. Makes me feel like I'm in high school again, and I hate that feeling. Oh well.
Either way, I am getting out of here, heading to florida, because I am done with the military, soon. On the one hand, Yay. But then again, just because SD is small doesn't mean the wide world isnt a big and scary place. That thought is becoming more and more real to me, as things shape up for the future and deadlines loom. Makes me feel like I'm in high school again, and I hate that feeling. Oh well.

AHHHH, I can't wait to hear it! My offer for supper still stands, if you think you can handle not eating meat for a meal! Of course, you're welcome to bring a backup steak for your caveman diet