Hmm, in the words of the bokononists...busy busy busy.
Met some really cool people this weekend, followed by another group of rather uncool people, followed by a truly horrible person. It bothers me immensely when people make snap judgements and then have too much pride to admit they are wrong. But since the cool group was bigger than the mayo--and-beer-for-personality-group, i am going to go ahead and call the weekend a win. WHOO-HOO!
Things are coming together quite nicely for my red rose cariv's triumphant return to my life (however brief it is...still sweet though, and i think the briefness makes it sweeter). i am pretty excited, even though there are about 70 gajillion things to do, and not much time to do them in. Oh well, I thrive under pressure anyway...
Looking for new things to read, i think I might check out what some of the SG peeps are reading. Books just don't last as long as they used to nowadays, maybe i should branch out into other, more challenging things. Expensive hobby though, and I am sort of running out of places to put them all in. i suppose I could donate them, but dammit, they are mine, and i reread books all the time. What if i reach for something and its not there? i shudder at the thought, but then again, trying to organize the book piles around here makes me kind of shudder too. Lesser of two evils I suppose.
Got an urge to go do the EOD thing again.
I know I'm good under pressure, but good enough to be in a bomb squad? i wonder if I am trying to prove something, and if I am, then to whom? The rose would never forgive me, and neither would my parents. They view the whole thing as insanity. Besides, deep down i know that there is something more satisfying, even if its just writing things down. Lord knows its physically safer, anyway.
Only 14 more days till the girly's arrival...oh yeah....
Met some really cool people this weekend, followed by another group of rather uncool people, followed by a truly horrible person. It bothers me immensely when people make snap judgements and then have too much pride to admit they are wrong. But since the cool group was bigger than the mayo--and-beer-for-personality-group, i am going to go ahead and call the weekend a win. WHOO-HOO!

Things are coming together quite nicely for my red rose cariv's triumphant return to my life (however brief it is...still sweet though, and i think the briefness makes it sweeter). i am pretty excited, even though there are about 70 gajillion things to do, and not much time to do them in. Oh well, I thrive under pressure anyway...
Looking for new things to read, i think I might check out what some of the SG peeps are reading. Books just don't last as long as they used to nowadays, maybe i should branch out into other, more challenging things. Expensive hobby though, and I am sort of running out of places to put them all in. i suppose I could donate them, but dammit, they are mine, and i reread books all the time. What if i reach for something and its not there? i shudder at the thought, but then again, trying to organize the book piles around here makes me kind of shudder too. Lesser of two evils I suppose.
Got an urge to go do the EOD thing again.

Only 14 more days till the girly's arrival...oh yeah....

you better not join the bomb squad tho, i think i would kill you before a bomb does, damnit!
keep your books, it's the best thing to decorate a house with.
and, oh, i have to add something:
i love you.