well im starting to get a groove, i reherse and work at the same place, my boss is my fill in bas player, i try out bass players at work whenever, and i work ina kitchen at night, where ican eat whatever, bring home whatever, if i had this same set up but in Berkely! Fuck! Ide be DIY for life and not give a...
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Karmahitlist will be playing :
8:00 PM - The Vault
301 W. 2nd St., Pomona, CA 91769 -
Karmahitlist rocks Pomoma !!!!
Monday 10/04/2004
9:00 PM - The Gig
Hollywood, 66666 - free!
email me for ticket -- SG Please go, were showcaseing for 3 labels, its free damnit
Tuesday 10/05/2004
9:00 PM--Good Hurt
Venice Beach, Ca.
ill update this with the address
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8:00 PM - The Vault
301 W. 2nd St., Pomona, CA 91769 -
Karmahitlist rocks Pomoma !!!!
Monday 10/04/2004
9:00 PM - The Gig
Hollywood, 66666 - free!
email me for ticket -- SG Please go, were showcaseing for 3 labels, its free damnit
Tuesday 10/05/2004
9:00 PM--Good Hurt
Venice Beach, Ca.
ill update this with the address
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Good morning.
I have alot to do before work(s)
Ill be home Sunday but i do have a client at Outrage that day that will take awhile... maybe 3 hours.
Sunday i wanted to shoot that set at Kenny's place... Is it hooked up?
Please remember to not work Tuesday morning so we can hang out. Ill have to leave for work by 4:00pm on Tues.
I havent heard anything from the Swan peeps....
I have alot to do before work(s)
Ill be home Sunday but i do have a client at Outrage that day that will take awhile... maybe 3 hours.
Sunday i wanted to shoot that set at Kenny's place... Is it hooked up?
Please remember to not work Tuesday morning so we can hang out. Ill have to leave for work by 4:00pm on Tues.
I havent heard anything from the Swan peeps....

hey you should join my new group!
how was the used cd release party, shit happened to my persona(moodswing, minor nervous breakdown) so i was unable to attend with my chica, whatever, im sure it was lame cause i wasnt there.
um, yeah it sucked that you werent there....
Check my pics.
I love you anyways...
Check my pics.
I love you anyways...

i can create , i can become, i can fly, i can be what i already am, or i can alter that or my path, i think the darkness really like peter frampton, cheese and ritz, mmmm
I believe I can fly...
wait, that was something else.
let me just go over here and smoke some more of this here weed...

wait, that was something else.
let me just go over here and smoke some more of this here weed...

peter frampton??? you remember him,,,he is like bald now pretty much...i can help u sell merch. when u come to san diego if u play here..i do wnat a shirt.,

my poor girlfriend works so hard behind the scenes helping my band, i dont think i can re pay you, im goin to over-re-pay you, like you my me tent, i pay your rent(tent:45.00, rent: 1,000+) per fect example of over pay, another....you give me a hummer, i give a hummer(blowjob street value:20 bucks or less, New H2 LOaded: 80,000) see how it works,
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you guys might be the best couple ever. after me and my old man.
I wish you were pantyrockin in my area.
I have got to move someplace that doesn't suck.
I wish you were pantyrockin in my area.
I have got to move someplace that doesn't suck.
I dunno the right Hummer is worth more to me than any car.... nah who am i kidding....
wrote a new song today, im sure its a hit, 80s groups were sooooo fun, i want to be in oingo boingo or devo or missing persons, were doing a misfits cover show on halloween, misfitrific, we also have a new DVD KHL: Live @The Viper Room, Hollywood, Ca., seangasm out

I think all of the band should dress up like Devo for a Holloween show sometime! I like those little red planter hats.
i think i should be jack skelington this year
Ego's cant live without em, can live within them, and i will, and do.
awww yay, aries's man is on here now... i have one of your demos that she sent me

I need a song that i can dance to.... got any new ones that are sexy?
Um, my week will be insane... Im supposed to go meet Voltaire for lunch but im sure you read my journal... Im busy, too busy. I will come home on Saturday night. If my hair dosent come in, I will have to re-schedule my Sat, client and i will come home Saturday around noon. Im hopeing that her hair wont come in.
I need a break. I love you soooooo much. Im sorry were too old and crippled to have wild sex.
xoxo I cant wait till Monday, it will be fun! I like hanging out with you and showing you off!
Um, my week will be insane... Im supposed to go meet Voltaire for lunch but im sure you read my journal... Im busy, too busy. I will come home on Saturday night. If my hair dosent come in, I will have to re-schedule my Sat, client and i will come home Saturday around noon. Im hopeing that her hair wont come in.

im living in a plastic world, it never hesitates to mezmerize me, im surrounded by the plastic girls, there getting into clubs with there fake IDs
Plastics: The American Way.
Hey, we're gonna borrow your Spaniard for a gig tonight.
Hey, we're gonna borrow your Spaniard for a gig tonight.
I missed you so much baby.
im trying to be civil but i just got put on hold, i can see through your fucking complex , my expresso is to cold, your roten wiskey sour drinking slobber face, you suck, save it for your dildo thats the only thing youll fuck, sometimes i want to run fast, out of this town.

oops... gawd, everytime i get on your computer your still logged on. Eric is Gay.
so am i , we should fuck eachother peepee's
well tonight were play at a local div bar called the mint, should be ok, i hope alot of people are there, if t heres lie 100 people this place is packed.
.if you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it, anything you want to do it, wanna change the world, theres nothing to it.
.if you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it, anything you want to do it, wanna change the world, theres nothing to it.

Tonni might be able to get you high....
I am excited about something but i dont know what it is....
I have angziety rt now....
I need to get ready for today.
Sex lastnight=great

I am excited about something but i dont know what it is....
I have angziety rt now....

Sex lastnight=great

I'll be in touch with Tim today. I'll keep you posted...
He called me this morn'.
He called me this morn'.

were not going on tour anymore, were just playing everynight for a month or so...lol just trying to get a response from people who were interested, "anyone" can go to our shows, we hope you all do, even our girlfriends...this is the last time im saying it
I'd love to go to one of your shows....
its another sleepless night, its looing like the ceiling is my only friend again, its weird because i go to sleep all tired but wake up in like a few hours and cant sleep, then go back to be usually around 5 am til 11, its weird, anyone know any cool tour managers, its getting close to our tour and it seems like its just...
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Is this something that you could of planned yourself?
Did you NEED Joe to inspire you to tour or his say so?
Is it your job to deal w/ these people if you HAVE a tour manager?
Or is it his job? Why isnt he going again? If Sony likes you, Why cant you just fly to NY and present yourselves?
Does this tour determine if you get signed?
Im not sure if i understand.
If you are searching for random people to go on tour with you, then why am i not allowed to go to some if i pay my own way?
These are your rules and they suck. I realize this now because Joe is not even going on tour with you so how in the fuck is he supposed to know that i show up to a gig or not?
I assure you... you will wish that i was there sometimes....
Did you NEED Joe to inspire you to tour or his say so?
Is it your job to deal w/ these people if you HAVE a tour manager?
Or is it his job? Why isnt he going again? If Sony likes you, Why cant you just fly to NY and present yourselves?
Does this tour determine if you get signed?
Im not sure if i understand.
If you are searching for random people to go on tour with you, then why am i not allowed to go to some if i pay my own way?
These are your rules and they suck. I realize this now because Joe is not even going on tour with you so how in the fuck is he supposed to know that i show up to a gig or not?
I assure you... you will wish that i was there sometimes....

Oh man..........
Sorry all of you have to go through this shit.
I wish I could help.
Sorry all of you have to go through this shit.
I wish I could help.

I put in the 30 day notice today... He was cool with it. I need to find something SOON. Im looking tomorrow...
Hopefully we can be together someday.