Well Grimm is home for now. They still arent sure whats wrong with him. Its either a liver issue or auto immune. So now we just have to wait and see if the liver meds work, if not he'll be put on steroids.
Its hard to get the $1500 bill handed to you from the vet when they still dont even know really whats wrong.
I love to send out little notes and postcards when I get stressed or lonely, so I added a few to my wishlist. If you decide to gift me one, make sure you give me your address so I can send you one!
Now and then...

Its hard to get the $1500 bill handed to you from the vet when they still dont even know really whats wrong.
I love to send out little notes and postcards when I get stressed or lonely, so I added a few to my wishlist. If you decide to gift me one, make sure you give me your address so I can send you one!
Now and then...

i hope everythin is okay... hope the meds work. thanxs for the birthday wishes karms.. 

You're such a babe! Skype date soon? Sorry to hear about Grimm
Thinking of you!! XOXO