Wouldnt it be nice if....
...Unemployment compensation payed me more then $86 a week
...I didnt have to spend 2 hours on the phone trying to get my student loans deferred for a measly 2 months.
...Gas stayed below $2 until after I got back from a trip to Connecticut
... HQ decided they really wanted me in Vegas to get new sets shot
... I could get a profile pick that I think actually looks like me
... I could get my tax return early, so I could use my temporary lay-off/ free time to renovate my bathroom
... I had abundant energy and resources to help the animal rescue I volunteer for save more lives.
... I could convince a friend to let me shoot a set of her, just to give it a try
... all this work trying to get a foster kid will pay off in the end, so we could have an awesome son/daughter...
... I wasnt so damn grown up.
I look forward to it. For the record though, you will be missing my birthday!
you need to check out this site pixdaus