hey everyone, how's things?

i have been lurking on here for a little over a year now, instead of being a contributing member of suicidegirls.com. i've decided that if i'm paying yearly for this wonderful site, i'm going to abuse every power that they give me! muahahaha

hmm.. where to begin..

over the past 2 months, with a ton of help from P90X (you've probably...
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You know, there's an addon that lets you play peggle in flight in WoW. wink
...are you serious?!
week 4 weigh-in was today. i've been sick all week and can't swallow, so that's sweet.

lost 2.2 more pounds, due to not eating enough... who the hell even knew that was possible?

i lost 20 lbs due to strep throat and a secondary infection my senior year of high school.
mom could pretty much only get me to eat a piece of cheesecake a day (this was before i realized i was lactose-intolerant) because ANYTHING hurt to put in my mouth, let alone swallow.

hope you feel better.

lactards of the world, unite!
yesterday was the week 3 weigh-in. lost another 3.2 lbs.

special thanks to Thursday for her words (or word?) of encouragement.
Congrats! Go on! kiss
well, today was weigh-in #2.

i was slightly disappointed, only lost 3.5 lbs this week, but i'm down to 174.3. she told me it's probably because i worked out all week and gained muscle mass, not to mention that the first week was water weight so it's natural to lose a higher amount than the second week. 10 weeks to go, gonna have to step...
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so, as of january 25th, my place of employment started a "biggest loser" competition (to reduce their insurance costs for employees who complete it). this is good for me because not only do i need to lose weight but i hate losing, so it serves as motivation.

either way, today was our first weigh-in. every friday for the next 3 months we'll weigh in and...
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rah rah! <----- that's me cheering you on.

may the dairy-free revolution begin!!

alright blog.

i don't like you, and you don't like me.

let's get this over with.

i'd like to tell you how i hate waking up because i know i have to go to work, but hey, so do 99% of other people.

you know what? nevermind.

yeah im not a big fan of the blog monster either