Oh joy, Cinco De Mayo!
Too bad I'm on-air right now, otherwise I'd be drinking it up. I like red wine...... red wine is my friend. And if that's not there, throw a Jack and Coke at me. They don't allow you to drink while at the station. It's the whole FCC rules and stuff, pity really. Half the staff and the owners are stoners, though, they come in blazed sometimes. That's awesome.
So now I'm bored because all I do is push a button every five minutes and say "You heard so and so, it's this time, I'm Jimmy McGinnis on Mixx96.1". Pretty easy. So if you read this and would like to send a message my way, please do. I need company, I'm on till midnight.
Enjoy your night of drinking, and what-not, and please stay safe. I just downloaded AIM on this comp, so if anyone wants to drop me a line, feel free to.... I'll be here...... doing radio stuff, or maybe I'll write some more of my Book
So how's everyone's evening so far, anything exciting or embarassing happen yet?
Too bad I'm on-air right now, otherwise I'd be drinking it up. I like red wine...... red wine is my friend. And if that's not there, throw a Jack and Coke at me. They don't allow you to drink while at the station. It's the whole FCC rules and stuff, pity really. Half the staff and the owners are stoners, though, they come in blazed sometimes. That's awesome.
So now I'm bored because all I do is push a button every five minutes and say "You heard so and so, it's this time, I'm Jimmy McGinnis on Mixx96.1". Pretty easy. So if you read this and would like to send a message my way, please do. I need company, I'm on till midnight.
Enjoy your night of drinking, and what-not, and please stay safe. I just downloaded AIM on this comp, so if anyone wants to drop me a line, feel free to.... I'll be here...... doing radio stuff, or maybe I'll write some more of my Book
So how's everyone's evening so far, anything exciting or embarassing happen yet?
yeah I didnt get to go out and drink..poo. work sux.
Dude, I feel like it's been a millenia since the last time we talked.
I have a mission statement pretty much done, it still needs some revision and input from other people. I'll send it to you...I guess on here? Then you can decide if you really want to be involved in this little venture of ours. I'm very excited for it, and other people are starting to get excited too. Score.