Oh yeah, I did something productive today. I cleaned my fricken bedroom and it was about time. I still need to do laundry, dust, vacuum, and take care of the closet, but I think I made a decent dent in my room. You can sort of see the flowers my momma got me for Valentines day! Carnations... hehe. I look at carnations in a certain way, okay from friends and family, not okay from a boyfriend. Maybe as a cute gesture thing, but I don't really know what I'd say if I got carnations for Valentines day from a boyfriend. I guess it depends on what else they came with *cough-jewelry-cough*
I had the greatest pizza today. I will have dreams about that pizza for months to come. What is it about pizza? It tastes soooooo good.
So it is illegal to have one anyhow.....