So, I'm just sitting here eating hershey kisses, watching Sex and the City, somewhat playing WoW, and looking through the gorgeous Suicide Girls. It's been a pretty uneventful Friday. I really do need to pick up my desk, room, bathroom, and car. Pretty much everything I own needs to be organized. I paid my bills today, which emotionally feels like 100 pounds has been lifted from my shoulders. Bills... they'll kick ya in the balls, well, if you have balls. They kick me in the ovary or a boob, or something else womanly.
Tomorrow I plan on getting a little list of things done. I need to take care of my guinea pigs. I have 3 guinea pigs and they are all in separate cages. How I attained 3 guinea pigs is a long story, but I will tell you, they sure are the messiest little animals. I blame working at an animal shelter

I should also probably work out tomorrow and find some way to fit in 8 glasses of water. I don't know how people do that on a regular basis. I always forget until it's about 8 pm and then I try to gulp down 8 glasses of water and I feel like I swallowed a small lake. Yuck. How is it not a natural thing? I swear I lose myself in what I'm doing and I forget to hydrate myself. Looking around at these girls with their unbelievably beautiful bodies, it almost makes me want to be healthier somehow. You'd think that would be at the top of my to-do list and as ignorant as this sounds, I really don't know how. I always hear the same things "don't drink soda, cut down on calories, eat organic fruits and vegetables, etc." It's almost like I forget to eat until I'm completely starving and then I can't wait another second to prepare a meal so I find some already made thing that has about a million calories in it and is almost always served with a soda. That was a long sentence, but that's seriously what happens. I've heard that eating smaller, more frequent meals is the best way to go about. I guess it's all about finding a schedule that works for you. Apparently mine isn't working.
I hate paying bills, but I can't stand owing money......
Mamals & birds for me.......no reptiles.
Arielle is awsome, one of my best friends on the site........
Later, Z