Four more days until I'm officially considered a student. Holy shit... its been three years since I've been in school.. can I actually be excited? I think I'm about to barf.
The show at Fatty McGee's went well.. I guess they're under new management and the guy in charge of the entertainment is super new... he hasn't told us if we're coming back or not.. but all the patrons and the employees seemed to like us... maybe that'll get us in? I'm not sure. Here's hoping.
There's been a lot of shit running through my mind the last few weeks... its actually been refreshing. I'm turning over a new leaf with school (and hopefully a new job soon!) and possibly getting more gigs with Karma. The only thing left to do is wait. Good things come to those that wait.... right?
In other news, I've been invited down to Tennessee for some fun by a friend of mine that lives there.. and I am happy to say I am going down in mid-October sometime.
I can't wait. She's letting me stay at her house and we're going to paint the town any fucking colour we want 
Today I went for a 4 hour drive with no destination. I was alone. I haven't felt that peaceful in such a long time. I did get lost.. but I didn't care. I had 10$, a half tank of gas, a full pack of cigarettes, and 3500 songs on my iPod. It was... truly one of the best days I've had in a long time. Here's proof...
The show at Fatty McGee's went well.. I guess they're under new management and the guy in charge of the entertainment is super new... he hasn't told us if we're coming back or not.. but all the patrons and the employees seemed to like us... maybe that'll get us in? I'm not sure. Here's hoping.
There's been a lot of shit running through my mind the last few weeks... its actually been refreshing. I'm turning over a new leaf with school (and hopefully a new job soon!) and possibly getting more gigs with Karma. The only thing left to do is wait. Good things come to those that wait.... right?
In other news, I've been invited down to Tennessee for some fun by a friend of mine that lives there.. and I am happy to say I am going down in mid-October sometime.

Today I went for a 4 hour drive with no destination. I was alone. I haven't felt that peaceful in such a long time. I did get lost.. but I didn't care. I had 10$, a half tank of gas, a full pack of cigarettes, and 3500 songs on my iPod. It was... truly one of the best days I've had in a long time. Here's proof...
Well, enough about me. Hope you guys are doing well. Until next time.
Good luck with school, glad the show went well, and hope they invite you back, they'd be dumb not too...
Grats on starting school again