you'd think that i'd have something to talk about after being away. not really away, just not going to my parents to surf sg. my school should really allow porn sites on it's internet.
i've been scanning and printing photos on our wide format printer, making posters and stuff. pretty darn cool, if you ask me.
i've been spending way too much time with computers. i'll be pale forever.
i got a website, but don't have much that's cool. it's really hard to invent content, and yeah, just not as easy as i'd like.
this cool guy at school was telling me how much he like some of my shit, and how it could really get me a job, so that made me feel good. it'd be cool if i wasn't beating a dead horse.
so that's that. i should go ride my bicycle.

i'll get some new pictures going soon, they're just so labor intensive.
Nice pics!