so i went to the walker (local art museum) this morning for it's grand re-opening. saw philip glass play. that was pretty cool. free and stuff too.
^drawing of new addition
saw a documentary about the flaming lips on friday. it was playing as part of some film festival. that was super cool too. wayne's a pretty crazy guy. his incessant creativity is great, really inspires a person. and he's hilarious too. he lives in a sort of ghetto area of oklahoma city. the movie starts out with him giving a tour of his neighborhood, and walks up to some bums and starts talking about how he's got a band and his friends likes his band so much he's making a movie out of them, then gives a big "well, see you later!".
the guy who made the movie gave a stupid speech after the movie, and then made some snide comment about the projector. dick.
got sUper drunk a few times lately.
^ last night too.
i'm norm mcdonald and this is the fake news.
so i'm not sure why i even care about her, but the woman and i had a fight on friday, and apparently she went and fucked a friend of mine. sort of a friend.
what's worse is that the guys a boring fucking tool.
^ a plague on both their houses
so i got drunk. that was cool, but i'm feeling it today.
instead of class to day we all went to some "industry" trade show. so i looked like death, and everyone is some suit wearing wiener that's all hopped up on "the industry" and who they work for. so yeah, i didn't talk to anyone. one lady talked to a group of us students and i just made jokes and snide comments the whole time.
the above photo sucks, as file compression on this computers no good. but fuck it.
so now i'm off to eat unhealthy food and then to work on a document that i hate.

^drawing of new addition
saw a documentary about the flaming lips on friday. it was playing as part of some film festival. that was super cool too. wayne's a pretty crazy guy. his incessant creativity is great, really inspires a person. and he's hilarious too. he lives in a sort of ghetto area of oklahoma city. the movie starts out with him giving a tour of his neighborhood, and walks up to some bums and starts talking about how he's got a band and his friends likes his band so much he's making a movie out of them, then gives a big "well, see you later!".
the guy who made the movie gave a stupid speech after the movie, and then made some snide comment about the projector. dick.

got sUper drunk a few times lately.

^ last night too.
i'm norm mcdonald and this is the fake news.
so i'm not sure why i even care about her, but the woman and i had a fight on friday, and apparently she went and fucked a friend of mine. sort of a friend.

^ a plague on both their houses
so i got drunk. that was cool, but i'm feeling it today.
instead of class to day we all went to some "industry" trade show. so i looked like death, and everyone is some suit wearing wiener that's all hopped up on "the industry" and who they work for. so yeah, i didn't talk to anyone. one lady talked to a group of us students and i just made jokes and snide comments the whole time.

the above photo sucks, as file compression on this computers no good. but fuck it.
so now i'm off to eat unhealthy food and then to work on a document that i hate.
i was never big on the walker. but then, i personally believe jackson pollack can suck it. my stance on his art style is as unwavering as it is pig headed....besides, im bias toward the m.i.a. cause my father has a painting there. lots of other places too but this is the closest one to me. its on the third floor. find "the shield". sucks about the whole woman fucking dude with bad teeth or whatever. i find its fun to plot murder. its not really love till you go through with it