Oh Jesus, just several days before one of the scariest date in my life. My 30th birthday will come at 20th of May! I've been worried about this age most of my life, because it's something about experience and achievements. Was I such a good person as I hoped at 18 y.o? Have I reached all of my goals? Am I happy?
I don't know. It's so hard to understand, what exactly I wanted long time ago and what I have now. Maybe I became better, than expected. Maybe I could get more? Who knows :) But I'm sure, I've been hard working did for this lifeline. I don't want to change anything, because I appreciate all that I have.
We know each other (SG-community and me) about 8 years. I feel something important about this date and hope to meet "my 30" in best mood. I'll be happy to see you support here. If you want to cheer me up and make something special, I'll ask your help for one of my dream. I don't have amazon wishlist or sites for donations, but my dream isn't about money.
I have one special set here and it didn't get SOTD. I'm so sorry about it and want to make new try for reaching Front Page. It was taken by one wonderful woman @waikiki, who stole my heart on Spain's shootfest. I admired her works as photographer and model for long time. We met in real life and I fell in love with this pure person. She was so kind to me, tried to involve me in conversations, made some instax and helped don't feel me lonely there. I have special warm feelings to our pics and desperately want to see our set chosen as Set of the Day.
I really hope to get your support! Can you show all your love to this set for me? Maybe together we can make my little dream came true. It would be the best present for my anniversary 🖤
---> illuminate my heart <---
@sean @missy @penny @eirenne @lemon