I’m not the killing type.
Something about me.
I can hardly remember your face anymore.
When somebody leaves my life, I try to forget him as quickly, as I can.
And after some weeks, when something reminds me about this person - I can't imagine his face, too blurry.
Beautiful sunrise in your eyes.
I endlessly love looking in eyes. I can drown, flyi and dissolve in them. And when I meet people, who are not afraid of this weird habit of mine, I know every little dot and line in their eyes. I want to see the sunrise in eyes of each my friend.
Can you feel my heart?
It's about reciprocity in relations. When I feel something important about a person and want to ask about his feelings.
I can't help falling in love with you.
I believe, that the hole in my chest will stop bleeding in one day and flowers will grow again. In this moment I'll say this phrase to person, who will be loved by me.
Трогаешь мой очаровательный мир. (You're touching my charming world)
It's russian quote, but I can't just ignore it.
My fave phrase ever, cuz I'm mushy af.
@missy @rambo