I wanted to write this blog a few month ago, but forgot, hehe.
When I returned from my Altai-trip the first thing what I made - go to the shower, of course. I always shave my legs and arms, so it was simple process. But my pussy had more hair than usual and I decided to shave it all. Without any strips and the triangles and I felt something new. Two-three years ago I shaved like that always and it was okay. Buuuut. Now I felt myself ahhhm..naked? helpless? uninteresting? Something wrong was here. It was uncomfortable psychologically.

I can't understand what's wrong with it several weeks and stopped thinking about it. In one day my friend showed me one curious article about pedophile. I was studying social pedagogy and psychology. So, I like different articles and read it for one time.
And you know what? I understand what was wrong with my shaving. I felt myself so, cuz saw in mirror 13 y.o girl, but not me-adult. It was weird af, really. So, I just opened sg and check some bald-pussy sets and felt, like I'm watching little girls (if I only look at their pussy). It was not so pleasant, really. I knew their age, and that they're sweet ladies and other stuff. I can guess, that their skin so soft and warm there, but felt myself weird.
So, I understand, I love bushes. Not so huge, it can be thin strip, but it need to be. When I see nice hairy pussy, I think "hmkay, what she hides there? What a mystery woman, haha". Like it intriguing me A LOT. And I like how it looks: the hair on the body hiding some secrets or something like that.
Dunno, It's just my opinion, but I want to talk about it :)
Guys, what do you like? Girls, what you prefer?
*p.s it's my photo and my 18 y.o pussy, yes 🙀