Hello, SG World!
I was so quiet in the past weeks. Sooo, maybe I can tell you about my news?
Attention: long post! ;)
First of all I had a B-Day. Yeah, I think you remember that :) So, it was pleasant day for me. So many people congratulated me in real life and in social networks. Thanks again, It's very important for me! Wonderful sunny weather, tasty food, the lovely Gulf of Finland and scooters. YAS! I have a scooter finally! Now I can move on the city without any problems).
Another good news: I returned to my dreamcatchers! I made one for talented photographer (you can read about him here) and gave it to him today, he was glad and thankful, it inspires me so much. I want to make A LOT of dreamcatchers in different styles, with interesting materials. Maybe I'll sell them, dunno yet.

Yesterday I had a strange shooting: I was a pregnant and sad woman on cemetery! I'll write special blog about it, cuz I need time for understanding our art with @darishka. Btw, she’s on SG too now. We have many sets since the last year. Our set goes up in 3 months here. Attention! It will be atypical set for site, but I hope you’ll like it. Today we wrote list of shootings aaand we will delight you by our art and nude minisets.

Last week I worked so hard, cuz we have some guest artists from different countries. (I’m working in a tattoo studio since February. I'm an admin). We invited talented and famous artists from UK, Italy, Australia, Germany, Holland, Denmark to work in our studio some days. It was a huge pleasant stress for me. I never talk with foreigners in real life (except Skype). I was so worried about my bad English and terrible accent, cuz I needed to understand them and that they could understand me too :) But they were cute and friendly, I stopped worrying and began enjoying my work. I talked with all of them. For some it was just “ Hello”, with others - a long talk about everything.
Then our studio with our guests took a part in the 14 International Tattoo Convention. It was so strange, amazing, a bit boring, and exciting in same time. Our artists were judges, they watched works of other artists from other studios and gave prizes to the best of them. Convention continued for 3 days, during this time I met these girls from SG: @sashabrink @alicesudos @sonic @janesinner @avrora @chrisrayn . Glad to see you, girls!). A lot of talented people were here. Some of them took photos with me and asked autographs (so cute!). I was tired, cuz I worked about 10-12 hours every day. Tired, but happy.

After the Convention I have A LOT of stickers from different awesome people. Btw, my handsome @Dezzmalone drew me my own stickers! Can you believe in it? Haha, he surprised me a bit. Loooook, we called them “Little Nate” and loaded to telegram. Now we can use them like official stickers! So, I printed them and gave to all my friends :)

Few weeks ago I came for a shooting with my lovely @hellgaprotiv. It was a shooting for SG? YES! It was a shooting in her own style? Oh, yes!I can say, it's a bit like "Russian beauty", but not so bright and positive, haha. And not so fatal , like “Femme Blond”. But It’s really gothic set :) She made the clothes by herself: a long skirt and short black top.
I have another set with my talented @maribelphoto. It was classic SG-shooting, with a lot of natural light, passional poses and sexy smiles ;) I'll upload it in next week, I guess, and maybe I will show some spoilers. About sets. Guys! Some days ago my set “Silk Touch” by @juliaprudence was published. It's soft and cute aaand still in member review, of course. But, I’m a bit sad, cuz It's not so popular like my other sets :( I feel like I screwed up and disappointed you, haha. I hope, that It's not true and this set will be a bit more loved.
So, for the end I can show you our sky. I love St. Petersburg, especially before rain! Today was real storm! Such rainy, much wow. Haha.
So, I guess that’s all.