Thank you @missy @rambo @lyxzen for this theme ♥ Soooo..
1. I have been doing photography for more than 7 years. In my cloud I have about 100 sets (more than 3,5k photos) in absolutely different styles. Photography is my passion, I love it SO much. Starting with the idea and ending with the retouch.
2. I had a personal photo exhibition. For two years we (3 photographers and 2 models) have made big project about beauty and ugliness. It was called "ADHESIVE FOR DREAMS" consisted of shooting in 6 different locations, but in the same way. When all the material was shot, we had an exhibition.
3. I love wrestling. Especially WWE. Cuz it's a show and looks like as a series. I like series and Seth Rollins, ahah.
4. All the flowers in my room have dried. I really love flowers, but they always die. Well, I can not say the same about animals, ahah :)
5. I can not swim. I know, I know, It's strange. I can rollerblade, ice skate, cycle. I have a pennibord named Gloria, and I can ride on it as well. But swimming is too incomprehensible for me.
6. I starred in a film. It was a horror whose name I will not say. It was a very tedious and difficult at times, but overall I was pleased with myself.
7. I've made dreamcatchers for four years. And I can't control myself in handicraft shops.
8. I was suspended on hooks twice. The first time on four hooks and at second time on two hooks. Feeling very strange and unusual. And yes, I've got the scars on my back.
9. I'm Dragonborn. Yep, that's right.
10. I love hard music, folk and French screamo. I went to two concerts of my favorite groups. It was absolutely incredible feeling. At the concert of Korn I caught two mediators, and at the concert Deftones I cried from the first song.
I watched a change
In you
It's like you never
Had wings
Now you feel
So Alive
I've watched you change.