Well Kittens it was a long, busy, eventful, crazy, sexy, tiring, drinking weekend. I think I could go on and on. The Pagan Leadership Skills Conference was awesome. I did their Finance Track and man was it intensive.
I guess Im just going to have an ubber long journal message to get it all down. Thursday I left for the drive to Richmond. Man do I hate the city traffic. I have no problem getting around but I-95 into or out of DC always seems insanely too busy. Anyway I get to the hotel and hook up with CSQ board members and some other friends. At one point I helped the board move some furniture, again reviving the leaning of the board members to make my Board pet name Xena (later to be probably 100% validated, we shall see this coming weekend at the Board Meeting). Thursday night we did the meet and great and had a great time in the Room 232 which came to be known as the conference Hospitality Suite. There I discovered a drink called a Mojito (Rum Spritzer). Quite yummy and quite intoxicating. That night I was lucky enough to find myself fin the middle of a man pile
Quite nice. 2 gay guys and 2 bi guys and me thrown in as a little bit of extra softness.
After that I was blessed with the sweet, strong hands of 2 massage therapists, at the same time.
Ok day 2, Friday we begin our tracks. Lets just say numbers are a bit intimidating and learning accounting for Not-For-Profits is a mind-blowing/mind-melting experience. Good thing that Pagans really know how to take a break (refer to man-pile and Massage
) Ok after my brain got fried for the morning we ate lunch, and returned for our second brain frying session. I learned so much I still dont think Ive even been able to take it all in just yet. After class I hit the hotel pool to listen to some Green Day and Ashley MacIsaac and read. Well we had our dinner break and got ready for our Drumming /Bardic Circle. Lots of wonderful Drumming, Dancing, Singing, Chanting and Storytelling. It was the best frigging Bardic circle I have ever attended. Tigre the leader was excellent.
Towards the end of this particular event I hooked up with one of the young gentlemen from the previous nights man pile (well technically hes older than me but he had the sweetest smiling eyes) At this point Him and the other Betwixt and Between attendees introduced me to a little something called Tequila, some of you may have heard of it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know Im sheltered. Ive had margaritas before and I think Tequila is in them; but Ive never just had Tequila. It was smooth and a bit hot to swallow but I imagine that anyone here who has ever had a good tequila will already know that. Me, Im a late bloomer. Well a few shots of that and then we head to the Hospitality Suite of the night before, where the Mojitos flowed. And again I am a late bloomer, let me remind you again of this, I have never in my fucking life been so drunk. I was fall fucking down drunk. And what an odd sensation it is. I was actually quite aware all things considered. But at the same time had so little control of my physicality, without paying good attention to what I was doing, it was actually, aside from being embarrassed at myself, quite disconcerting. Had a great conversation with previously mentioned young gentleman, as I got sober. We made a great connection, lots of great connections over and over, actually. Minorly wrecking the hotel room in our escapades (headboard, lamp and shower curtain- Note this is probably what will leak back to the board members solidifying my pet name as Xena). Fun was had by all present, I believe.
Come Saturday morning got up got showered and went to face day two of the finance track. Then sitting in class, holy fucking shit it hit me. I though I was gonna yak. Come to find out THIS is what would be known as a HANGOVER. Yes kittens it was a weekend FULL of new experiences. Eventually, I had to let myself out of the finance session and take something for my stomach. Got lots of TLC from my board roommate and previously mentioned young gentleman, and made it to the afternoon session of Finance. Ultimately, I was hazy for about an hour of the track and outright missed about 2 hours. After the days classes were completed previously mentioned young gentleman and I went to my room and talked for a bit. Then he was swooped away to attend another engagement, actually in a neighboring town from where I live.
Saturday night was Pomona's Ball. My roomie got some pictures of my outfit and the Ball. Some look like they may be pretty cute. Looking forward to seeing them and Ill probably share a couple when they arrive. Would rather share a pic than tell you what I wore. Needless to say my boobilies got a lot of attention, and they were even covered. I drank no alcohol at the Ball. I even left the ball a little early and actually got a little rest.
Woke up Sunday 5 minutes before I was actually due at the first meeting of the morning and had to pack and check out. That was kinda rushed (What an understatement.) Today we finished up the conference and reviewed it in a private meeting afterwards. Then I came home through at times really annoyingly slow traffic on I-95. Sigh. Long 4 day weekend and I am really, really looking forward to a long hot bath in my soaking tub.
Love and kisses to all of you.
Now tell me if any of you actually read this whole thing
I guess Im just going to have an ubber long journal message to get it all down. Thursday I left for the drive to Richmond. Man do I hate the city traffic. I have no problem getting around but I-95 into or out of DC always seems insanely too busy. Anyway I get to the hotel and hook up with CSQ board members and some other friends. At one point I helped the board move some furniture, again reviving the leaning of the board members to make my Board pet name Xena (later to be probably 100% validated, we shall see this coming weekend at the Board Meeting). Thursday night we did the meet and great and had a great time in the Room 232 which came to be known as the conference Hospitality Suite. There I discovered a drink called a Mojito (Rum Spritzer). Quite yummy and quite intoxicating. That night I was lucky enough to find myself fin the middle of a man pile

After that I was blessed with the sweet, strong hands of 2 massage therapists, at the same time.

Ok day 2, Friday we begin our tracks. Lets just say numbers are a bit intimidating and learning accounting for Not-For-Profits is a mind-blowing/mind-melting experience. Good thing that Pagans really know how to take a break (refer to man-pile and Massage

Towards the end of this particular event I hooked up with one of the young gentlemen from the previous nights man pile (well technically hes older than me but he had the sweetest smiling eyes) At this point Him and the other Betwixt and Between attendees introduced me to a little something called Tequila, some of you may have heard of it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know Im sheltered. Ive had margaritas before and I think Tequila is in them; but Ive never just had Tequila. It was smooth and a bit hot to swallow but I imagine that anyone here who has ever had a good tequila will already know that. Me, Im a late bloomer. Well a few shots of that and then we head to the Hospitality Suite of the night before, where the Mojitos flowed. And again I am a late bloomer, let me remind you again of this, I have never in my fucking life been so drunk. I was fall fucking down drunk. And what an odd sensation it is. I was actually quite aware all things considered. But at the same time had so little control of my physicality, without paying good attention to what I was doing, it was actually, aside from being embarrassed at myself, quite disconcerting. Had a great conversation with previously mentioned young gentleman, as I got sober. We made a great connection, lots of great connections over and over, actually. Minorly wrecking the hotel room in our escapades (headboard, lamp and shower curtain- Note this is probably what will leak back to the board members solidifying my pet name as Xena). Fun was had by all present, I believe.
Come Saturday morning got up got showered and went to face day two of the finance track. Then sitting in class, holy fucking shit it hit me. I though I was gonna yak. Come to find out THIS is what would be known as a HANGOVER. Yes kittens it was a weekend FULL of new experiences. Eventually, I had to let myself out of the finance session and take something for my stomach. Got lots of TLC from my board roommate and previously mentioned young gentleman, and made it to the afternoon session of Finance. Ultimately, I was hazy for about an hour of the track and outright missed about 2 hours. After the days classes were completed previously mentioned young gentleman and I went to my room and talked for a bit. Then he was swooped away to attend another engagement, actually in a neighboring town from where I live.
Saturday night was Pomona's Ball. My roomie got some pictures of my outfit and the Ball. Some look like they may be pretty cute. Looking forward to seeing them and Ill probably share a couple when they arrive. Would rather share a pic than tell you what I wore. Needless to say my boobilies got a lot of attention, and they were even covered. I drank no alcohol at the Ball. I even left the ball a little early and actually got a little rest.
Woke up Sunday 5 minutes before I was actually due at the first meeting of the morning and had to pack and check out. That was kinda rushed (What an understatement.) Today we finished up the conference and reviewed it in a private meeting afterwards. Then I came home through at times really annoyingly slow traffic on I-95. Sigh. Long 4 day weekend and I am really, really looking forward to a long hot bath in my soaking tub.
Love and kisses to all of you.
Now tell me if any of you actually read this whole thing

I'm feeling much more relaxed today
You know, I'm not sure why I write so much online. I guess because I spend so much time online
I like how the fake DJ pic turned out... I'm not getting all self-conscious about it like I usually do