Quote of the Day:
let us step into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure. -Albus Dumbledore Quote in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by JK Rowlilng.
I did finish HBP not in my record time like Order of the Phoenix but I did finish it pretty quickly.
Looks like the hole in my leg is mostly healed up for those looking for an update. We are assuming it was a spider of some sort that bit me as there were two probably puncture wounds in the center of the mess.
Not a lot to talk about Im still more or less catching up on life since getting back Friday afternoon. Catching up on the site and checking out all the lovely PSW photosets and also reading the entire 19 page Half Blood Prince Thread in the SG Harry Potter Group.
Spotted a few of my friends posting in the thread. I hated not having any other Potter Freaks and Geeks to talk to about the book while I was reading and after I was done.
The beach was great I didnt get too much sun used some really good sun screen and only got a little pink on my lower back once. Where My bathing suit was lower than most of my others.
Love and Hugs I hope to catch up with everyone here on SG very soon. And post some pictures. Especially on of my costume for he HP costume contest. I got Second place
let us step into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure. -Albus Dumbledore Quote in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by JK Rowlilng.
I did finish HBP not in my record time like Order of the Phoenix but I did finish it pretty quickly.
Looks like the hole in my leg is mostly healed up for those looking for an update. We are assuming it was a spider of some sort that bit me as there were two probably puncture wounds in the center of the mess.
Not a lot to talk about Im still more or less catching up on life since getting back Friday afternoon. Catching up on the site and checking out all the lovely PSW photosets and also reading the entire 19 page Half Blood Prince Thread in the SG Harry Potter Group.
Spotted a few of my friends posting in the thread. I hated not having any other Potter Freaks and Geeks to talk to about the book while I was reading and after I was done.
The beach was great I didnt get too much sun used some really good sun screen and only got a little pink on my lower back once. Where My bathing suit was lower than most of my others.
Love and Hugs I hope to catch up with everyone here on SG very soon. And post some pictures. Especially on of my costume for he HP costume contest. I got Second place

I was thinking about this again and I really think it's courageous of her to actually kill off characters - they are at war, after all, and to take out a high-end secondary character is pretty ballsy.
That's just me tho - I can see how alot of people wouldn't take that view.
Plus - it's alot of fun. And she really is a decent writer - and getting better.
Just as a compare and contrast - compare her to Tom Clancy - his first books were pretty well written but as he got famous he used his clout to hire people to write for him and bludgeon his editors into leaving stupid shit in his books so they'd be HUGE. Whereas she's kept the process to herself writing her own books (if I'm any judge of style anyway) even tho it might slow things down with all the publcity stuff she's got to do, etc.
Of course they're both richer than the Queen right now, but anyway