Quote of the Day
Is it OK if I speak to you today
You've been pissed off for a week now
but, nothing I could say could make you look up.
Or crack up. Is there anything that I can do
Anything to show you
You're a bitch
but, I love you anyway - The Bitch Song by Bowling for Soup
If you fuckers dont already love Bowling for Soup, you had better start. They are adorable, cute, funny and awesome. Check out some of the totally cute videos on their website if you dont believe me.
In other news we have been going to the pool like every fucking day. Im getting very tan, at least for me. Trying to get my skin used to the sun before we head to Top Sail Island for July. Im sure most of you wont even notice Im missing for a whole fucking month but those of you who actually get by my journal on occasion may notice a complete lack of activity from me, for a month.
Well back to the pool, I got myself a cheap ass CD player so I can actually listen to BFS at the pool along with other bands but it is mostly them, currently. I made a Mix CD with them, Blue Oyster Cult, Billy Idol, Bow Wow Wow, Avril Lavine, Bare Naked Ladies, Beastie Boys and USS Friendship on it. I also drug along Songs about Jane by Maroon5 and Helters Celtic by Ashley MacIsaac just incase I needed more tunes.
Is it OK if I speak to you today
You've been pissed off for a week now
but, nothing I could say could make you look up.
Or crack up. Is there anything that I can do
Anything to show you
You're a bitch
but, I love you anyway - The Bitch Song by Bowling for Soup
If you fuckers dont already love Bowling for Soup, you had better start. They are adorable, cute, funny and awesome. Check out some of the totally cute videos on their website if you dont believe me.
In other news we have been going to the pool like every fucking day. Im getting very tan, at least for me. Trying to get my skin used to the sun before we head to Top Sail Island for July. Im sure most of you wont even notice Im missing for a whole fucking month but those of you who actually get by my journal on occasion may notice a complete lack of activity from me, for a month.
Well back to the pool, I got myself a cheap ass CD player so I can actually listen to BFS at the pool along with other bands but it is mostly them, currently. I made a Mix CD with them, Blue Oyster Cult, Billy Idol, Bow Wow Wow, Avril Lavine, Bare Naked Ladies, Beastie Boys and USS Friendship on it. I also drug along Songs about Jane by Maroon5 and Helters Celtic by Ashley MacIsaac just incase I needed more tunes.
Oh Puh-leeze

How about that Alan Cumming, eh?? Mmmm baby.