Quotes of the Day:
God the Creator had made man in his own image, and that meant that every man and woman who dwelt under Gods light was a creator of some kind, a person with an urge to stretch out his hand and shape the world into some rational pattern. The Stand by Steven King
God is an Engineer. Araneda, September, 1997
I finished The Stand early this morning. It was a good book. Thank you Kriss for loaning it to me. I loved the parallels between this great work of Kings and Tolkiens Lord of the Rings. As a matter of fact King referenced LotR throughout the book. I seems obvious to me it was his version of the same tale, and perhaps homage to the great writer. King is the man. All hail J.R.R.T.!!!!
Ok I wanted to share another of my silly eccentricities. In case you havent realized, I like silly socks, undies and T-shirts. Here are a couple new T-shirts from my collection.
This Is a Job For SUPER-GROVER
And Squirt. The Back says: Put a little Squirt into your life. Had to share this one with the Girl Squirt Group. It was just too perfect not to buy.
Have a good week everyone.
Update 11:49AM:
I just found out Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason will have a limited release this weekend. Wonder what the odds are I'll see it here in Raleigh on Friday?
See Trailer Here
God Damn Colin Firth is hot.
God the Creator had made man in his own image, and that meant that every man and woman who dwelt under Gods light was a creator of some kind, a person with an urge to stretch out his hand and shape the world into some rational pattern. The Stand by Steven King
God is an Engineer. Araneda, September, 1997
I finished The Stand early this morning. It was a good book. Thank you Kriss for loaning it to me. I loved the parallels between this great work of Kings and Tolkiens Lord of the Rings. As a matter of fact King referenced LotR throughout the book. I seems obvious to me it was his version of the same tale, and perhaps homage to the great writer. King is the man. All hail J.R.R.T.!!!!
Ok I wanted to share another of my silly eccentricities. In case you havent realized, I like silly socks, undies and T-shirts. Here are a couple new T-shirts from my collection.

This Is a Job For SUPER-GROVER

And Squirt. The Back says: Put a little Squirt into your life. Had to share this one with the Girl Squirt Group. It was just too perfect not to buy.

Have a good week everyone.
Update 11:49AM:
I just found out Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason will have a limited release this weekend. Wonder what the odds are I'll see it here in Raleigh on Friday?
See Trailer Here
God Damn Colin Firth is hot.
God is an Engineer. Araneda, September, 1997
Dorian 1997 is an Idiot -Araneda, November 2004
actually i am finding this "God" spirit to be quite a dispicable entitiy nowadays and less and less the "good" guy as everyone claims it to be.