Quote of the Day:
The Charge of the Beeotch
Listen to the words of the Great Beeotch- she who of old is known as Arwen, Inanna, Jaz, Kriselda, Lynna, Raven, Suzi, and Wolfrose, and by many other names, some best left censored:
Whenever you have need of anything once in the month, and better it be when it is not my moontime or any other time when I might be tired or already irritable, then shall you gather and adore me, who am Queen of all Bitches. There shall you gather, you who desire to learn the true Art of Bitchcraft, yet have not honed it to razor sharp precision; to these I will teach the esoterism of true bitchiness. And you shall be free from fluff; and as a sign that you are truly free, you shall cite tradition, correct misconception, bad grammar, spelling errors, and demand proper capitalization, and punctuation. For I am educated and can read above third grade level. Keep pure your highest ideal; strive ever towards it and if anyone tries to stop you, smack them hard upside the head. For mine is the determination to succeed and educate the ignorant.
I am the Queen Mother Bitch, Who can give the Gift of Joy unto the heart of man or woman if you have not seriously ticked me off. On Earth, I give the Knowledge that to communicate effectively and honestly is no crime; and beyond death, I give peace from the fools who have annoyed you and freedom from those fools and reunion with other great Bitches who have gone before you. And actually, I do demand sacrifice, for behold; Putting up with these twits wears on my nerves. I am the Bitch of All Living and My Ire is poured out upon the Earth when I am grumpy.
Hear ye the Words of the Star Goddess: She under Whose Feet all stupid people are Dust, Whose Body encircleth the Universe especially when She is bloated.
I, Who am the Bitch Queen of the Earth and the Black Mood amongst the Stars, and the Mystery of why idiots are not drowned in my Waters, and the Desire of the heart of man to avoid Me when I get like this. I call unto thy soul, all ye who would be Bitches: "Arise! And come unto Me!"
For I am the Soul of the Bitch, Who giveth Crap back to the Universe: from Me all things proceed, and unto Me all things must return and if they don't get here fast enough, I may hurt something. And before My Face, which is bitchy and known to all gods and men, thine innermost Bitch Self shall be enfolded in the Rapture of the Infinite Bitch.
Let My Worship be within the heart that tolerates no shit, for behold: all acts of bitchiness and honesty are my rituals. And therefore let there be bitching and strength, honesty and compassion, honor and humor, mirth and reverence within you.
And thou who thinkest to seek for Me, know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not, unless thou knowest the Mystery: that if thou are stupid who seekest Me, then thou shalt never find Me.
For behold, I have been with thee from the beginning; and I am That which is attained at the end of PMS. -Copyright 2001 Arwen Nightstar and Gwen Wolfrose, all rights reserved. May be reposted anywhere so long as this copyright is included.
Good God people! I had a monstrous number of comments of for one day so I felt the need to update. It is a Friday so odds are my comments will be lite for a while unless Kriss and I go at it again. -And I'm definitely not complaining there.
Don't have much to talk about other than I'm planning on making Araneda help me with my new captive bead earrings since I can't ever get them working. I'm jacking up my ears gauges again.
Hummm, Ive got another Dark Moon ritual to be writing this week wonder if I should use the invocation from the Quote of the Day? And what the fuck is up with stupid Pagan names? All Hail me Lady PixyRaven MoonDrop!!! Oh please, lets try to be taken a little seriously people.
And since I want all you lovelies to have a book to read for the weekend Im gonna post something from the Pagan Peeps Group.
I wanted to share this exchange with some people who could appreciate it. The Names and contact of this fucktard have been hidden to protect is ignorant ass.
Opening Contact
Hello. How are you? I was looking over your website and saw many of your statements of belief. I wonder if you can tell me where you find your beliefs and how you ground them as authoritative. How do you deal with difficult contradictions between the many gods you worship? Is it really possible for them to contradict themselves if they are true. If I said 2+2 is four, later on in the textbook I could not say it was five just because I felt it was. I don't know; i just saw your website and wanted to email you. I believe in one True God who is exactly who is revealed only through the Bible, the Written Word of God. If I was left up to myself, I could create a whole lot of gods, or I could just settle for the thousands man has already created. But if I was concerned with truly receiving the forgiveness of sins and spending an eternity with God (not as a god), then I would harken to His call, repent of my sin, and live in the Hope that His Son, God in the flesh, died for my sin, was dead and raised again to life, ascending again to Heaven waiting there until the enemies of God will be made a footstool for His feet. Well I hope to hear from you if you would so choose to email me back... I hope this finds you well...
> Definitely in the Name of Jesus,
My Response
I found my beliefs through soul searching, study of religion and my own personal relationship with the Divine. If you read my biography again (http://revkara.com/me.html) you will see that I do not worship any God but one: the divine Creator/Engineer of the physical plane we live in. I believe the God of Abraham is as much a part of this Ultimate Divine Being as Brahma.
I do not choose to believe in only the Judeo-Christian mythologies. I know that all are a path to the One, however you may choose to perceive It. Has not man "created" Jehovah/Yahweh as he has "created" Zeus, Diana, Ahura-Mazda, and Mithras.
If you study various mythologies you will recognize the Crucifixion of Jesus as the hanging of Odin. The myth of Moses in the Basket as the myth of Taliesin. And the bread and wine speech made by Jesus is so similar in the earliest transcriptions of the Christian Bible, which are taken from older transcripts of Mithras, that scribes actually occasionally substituted Mithras for Jesus in the earliest of bibles. All of the alternative myths were older than Judaism.
I beg you, dear Sir, to accept that my study of religion is complete enough to have formed my own understanding of the Divine. And I do not worry about my Sins, nor do I dread becoming a footstool. Would that I could be so close to the Divine that S/He should deign to rest upon me.
I applaud and support your dedication to your faith. I would request the same respect be accorded my own.
Brightest Blessings,
Reverend Kara Mueller
I never heard back.
The Charge of the Beeotch
Listen to the words of the Great Beeotch- she who of old is known as Arwen, Inanna, Jaz, Kriselda, Lynna, Raven, Suzi, and Wolfrose, and by many other names, some best left censored:
Whenever you have need of anything once in the month, and better it be when it is not my moontime or any other time when I might be tired or already irritable, then shall you gather and adore me, who am Queen of all Bitches. There shall you gather, you who desire to learn the true Art of Bitchcraft, yet have not honed it to razor sharp precision; to these I will teach the esoterism of true bitchiness. And you shall be free from fluff; and as a sign that you are truly free, you shall cite tradition, correct misconception, bad grammar, spelling errors, and demand proper capitalization, and punctuation. For I am educated and can read above third grade level. Keep pure your highest ideal; strive ever towards it and if anyone tries to stop you, smack them hard upside the head. For mine is the determination to succeed and educate the ignorant.
I am the Queen Mother Bitch, Who can give the Gift of Joy unto the heart of man or woman if you have not seriously ticked me off. On Earth, I give the Knowledge that to communicate effectively and honestly is no crime; and beyond death, I give peace from the fools who have annoyed you and freedom from those fools and reunion with other great Bitches who have gone before you. And actually, I do demand sacrifice, for behold; Putting up with these twits wears on my nerves. I am the Bitch of All Living and My Ire is poured out upon the Earth when I am grumpy.
Hear ye the Words of the Star Goddess: She under Whose Feet all stupid people are Dust, Whose Body encircleth the Universe especially when She is bloated.
I, Who am the Bitch Queen of the Earth and the Black Mood amongst the Stars, and the Mystery of why idiots are not drowned in my Waters, and the Desire of the heart of man to avoid Me when I get like this. I call unto thy soul, all ye who would be Bitches: "Arise! And come unto Me!"
For I am the Soul of the Bitch, Who giveth Crap back to the Universe: from Me all things proceed, and unto Me all things must return and if they don't get here fast enough, I may hurt something. And before My Face, which is bitchy and known to all gods and men, thine innermost Bitch Self shall be enfolded in the Rapture of the Infinite Bitch.
Let My Worship be within the heart that tolerates no shit, for behold: all acts of bitchiness and honesty are my rituals. And therefore let there be bitching and strength, honesty and compassion, honor and humor, mirth and reverence within you.
And thou who thinkest to seek for Me, know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not, unless thou knowest the Mystery: that if thou are stupid who seekest Me, then thou shalt never find Me.
For behold, I have been with thee from the beginning; and I am That which is attained at the end of PMS. -Copyright 2001 Arwen Nightstar and Gwen Wolfrose, all rights reserved. May be reposted anywhere so long as this copyright is included.
Good God people! I had a monstrous number of comments of for one day so I felt the need to update. It is a Friday so odds are my comments will be lite for a while unless Kriss and I go at it again. -And I'm definitely not complaining there.
Don't have much to talk about other than I'm planning on making Araneda help me with my new captive bead earrings since I can't ever get them working. I'm jacking up my ears gauges again.
Hummm, Ive got another Dark Moon ritual to be writing this week wonder if I should use the invocation from the Quote of the Day? And what the fuck is up with stupid Pagan names? All Hail me Lady PixyRaven MoonDrop!!! Oh please, lets try to be taken a little seriously people.
And since I want all you lovelies to have a book to read for the weekend Im gonna post something from the Pagan Peeps Group.
I wanted to share this exchange with some people who could appreciate it. The Names and contact of this fucktard have been hidden to protect is ignorant ass.
Opening Contact
Hello. How are you? I was looking over your website and saw many of your statements of belief. I wonder if you can tell me where you find your beliefs and how you ground them as authoritative. How do you deal with difficult contradictions between the many gods you worship? Is it really possible for them to contradict themselves if they are true. If I said 2+2 is four, later on in the textbook I could not say it was five just because I felt it was. I don't know; i just saw your website and wanted to email you. I believe in one True God who is exactly who is revealed only through the Bible, the Written Word of God. If I was left up to myself, I could create a whole lot of gods, or I could just settle for the thousands man has already created. But if I was concerned with truly receiving the forgiveness of sins and spending an eternity with God (not as a god), then I would harken to His call, repent of my sin, and live in the Hope that His Son, God in the flesh, died for my sin, was dead and raised again to life, ascending again to Heaven waiting there until the enemies of God will be made a footstool for His feet. Well I hope to hear from you if you would so choose to email me back... I hope this finds you well...
> Definitely in the Name of Jesus,
My Response
I found my beliefs through soul searching, study of religion and my own personal relationship with the Divine. If you read my biography again (http://revkara.com/me.html) you will see that I do not worship any God but one: the divine Creator/Engineer of the physical plane we live in. I believe the God of Abraham is as much a part of this Ultimate Divine Being as Brahma.
I do not choose to believe in only the Judeo-Christian mythologies. I know that all are a path to the One, however you may choose to perceive It. Has not man "created" Jehovah/Yahweh as he has "created" Zeus, Diana, Ahura-Mazda, and Mithras.
If you study various mythologies you will recognize the Crucifixion of Jesus as the hanging of Odin. The myth of Moses in the Basket as the myth of Taliesin. And the bread and wine speech made by Jesus is so similar in the earliest transcriptions of the Christian Bible, which are taken from older transcripts of Mithras, that scribes actually occasionally substituted Mithras for Jesus in the earliest of bibles. All of the alternative myths were older than Judaism.
I beg you, dear Sir, to accept that my study of religion is complete enough to have formed my own understanding of the Divine. And I do not worry about my Sins, nor do I dread becoming a footstool. Would that I could be so close to the Divine that S/He should deign to rest upon me.
I applaud and support your dedication to your faith. I would request the same respect be accorded my own.
Brightest Blessings,
Reverend Kara Mueller
I never heard back.
hope you had a great weekend!
we did...
went to see family and caught up with them.
Glad the book is going so well for you, it is one of my favorites!!