Quote of the day and Journal Entry Inspired by The Grandmother of Time by Zsuzsanna E. Budapest
I have been with you from the beginning. Dont you remember my voice above your mothers birth cries? I the priestess of the Earth, midwifed you and all your kin. Silently, I watched you growing, and I was at all your rites of passage. I was the priestess holding aloft the torches of life in each hand, one pointing up to heaven and one down to the great below, for it is said As above, so below. Even the Earth herself calls on my services. I am the queen of the crossroads, witch queen, the transformer. I have come again this season to scream my frightening banshee yell and scatter pumpkins in your back yards and you living rooms like so many orange balloons.
The ancient primal season of the witch is here, and you welcome me. Yes, You love to be frightened by me. I force you to laugh at your own death, to dress your children in ghostly guise. Now comes your first sense of the coming cold season, chilling to the bone. I bring the harvest, and if you havent harvested your apples, Ill now nip them with frost.
If you wish to honor me, I will show you my magickal ways. I take away your fears of death and make you glad. I am the keeper of the altars. I am speaking in you when you feel the desire to stand alone on a hillside or in a clearing in the woods and talk to the moon. I am the wild part of you, your sixth sense, the one that gives you your hunches, premonitions, dreams. I am the priestess immortal. I see ahead and behind; I am the hinge of reality. I am your primal goddess. Know me, love me become one with me this night.
Dark Moon Ritual is tonight.
10-14-04 9:40 AM
The Dark Moon is the New Moon. When the Moon is between the Sun and Earth; therefore, the Sun can't reflect off the Moon making Her shine down to the Earth.
The Dark Moon represents the time between death and rebirth or waning and waxing. Some Pagans don't celebrate the dark of the Moon at all, [not wanting to embrace anything dark] but our group feels the honoring of both the Full and Dark moons is important for balance. So in the light part of the year, Spring and Summer, we honor the full moon and in the dark introspective time of the year, Fall and Winter, we honor the Dark face of the Goddess.
Ritual happened and I think our group magick was quite powerful I only hope it helps me as well. As the dark cycle of the year comes into affect many people find their spirits overwhelmed by their inner shadows, coven members, family, friends, as well as much of humanity. Last night, we burned sage and chamomile that the healing essences of these herbs may reach all those that seek aid and solace in these sometimes dark times.
And while I can still smell the herbs lingering in the house, I honestly I need to burn some chamomile now. Chamomile helps me find peace when nothing else seems to. My head is full and I want to be able to think straight.
I have been with you from the beginning. Dont you remember my voice above your mothers birth cries? I the priestess of the Earth, midwifed you and all your kin. Silently, I watched you growing, and I was at all your rites of passage. I was the priestess holding aloft the torches of life in each hand, one pointing up to heaven and one down to the great below, for it is said As above, so below. Even the Earth herself calls on my services. I am the queen of the crossroads, witch queen, the transformer. I have come again this season to scream my frightening banshee yell and scatter pumpkins in your back yards and you living rooms like so many orange balloons.
The ancient primal season of the witch is here, and you welcome me. Yes, You love to be frightened by me. I force you to laugh at your own death, to dress your children in ghostly guise. Now comes your first sense of the coming cold season, chilling to the bone. I bring the harvest, and if you havent harvested your apples, Ill now nip them with frost.
If you wish to honor me, I will show you my magickal ways. I take away your fears of death and make you glad. I am the keeper of the altars. I am speaking in you when you feel the desire to stand alone on a hillside or in a clearing in the woods and talk to the moon. I am the wild part of you, your sixth sense, the one that gives you your hunches, premonitions, dreams. I am the priestess immortal. I see ahead and behind; I am the hinge of reality. I am your primal goddess. Know me, love me become one with me this night.
Dark Moon Ritual is tonight.

10-14-04 9:40 AM
The Dark Moon is the New Moon. When the Moon is between the Sun and Earth; therefore, the Sun can't reflect off the Moon making Her shine down to the Earth.
The Dark Moon represents the time between death and rebirth or waning and waxing. Some Pagans don't celebrate the dark of the Moon at all, [not wanting to embrace anything dark] but our group feels the honoring of both the Full and Dark moons is important for balance. So in the light part of the year, Spring and Summer, we honor the full moon and in the dark introspective time of the year, Fall and Winter, we honor the Dark face of the Goddess.
Ritual happened and I think our group magick was quite powerful I only hope it helps me as well. As the dark cycle of the year comes into affect many people find their spirits overwhelmed by their inner shadows, coven members, family, friends, as well as much of humanity. Last night, we burned sage and chamomile that the healing essences of these herbs may reach all those that seek aid and solace in these sometimes dark times.
And while I can still smell the herbs lingering in the house, I honestly I need to burn some chamomile now. Chamomile helps me find peace when nothing else seems to. My head is full and I want to be able to think straight.
Have a good weekend babe!
I would love to participate in something like that one of these days.