Quote of the Day
Because being able to share ideas and information is the reason the Web was created in the first place! - Electronic Frontier Foundation
Please bear with my rant.
Im still pissed as SuicideGirls for being a bitch to Gonzales and the Bush Admin. in the War on Porn. Maybe people like the organization above, the ACLU and Larry Fucking Flint will take a stand, in the meantime maybe SGs pres will grow some balls.
Ive been thinking about all the SG drama and shit lately and what it meant to me to find out that Sean is the owner of the site, and knowing that I only joined because of the image the put out; namely that Missy is the owner. It makes me think. Makes me wonder what that says about me. Makes me wonder if I had seen Sean promoting this awesome site with its groups, boards and cool news section, not to mention the awesomeness of most of the girls back in the days I joined, before there were even 300 girls, if I would have even bothered to join it. Did I only take the time to point my browser to suicidegirls.com because of Missy. Well lets be honest, I surfed here to see more of one beautiful girl on the HBO RealSex special. But would I have bought myself a subscription for my birthday last year, bought any swag or given them my money had I known that the promotion of the site was pretty much all a promotional tool rather than real. Probably not. And on top of that it makes me feel stupid for falling for it. And I sincerely dont appreciate giving anything to a company that makes me do that.
So over all I love the site design, many of the photosets are still what I bought into, in the beginning, excluding the ones SG admins have taken down.
What I hate is the fact that so many people have been zotted for essentially asking WTF! Or actually proclaiming the truth about who the true Pres. of SG really is. I believe it is the propagation of the lie that gets me more than any rumors of disagreement between staff and models, current or former. I also am bothered that the archived models were brought back to the site the same as active models. What happened to the whole SG Community thing where models are part of the community and add to the culture of the site?
Apparently that was all bullshit! The idea that models and members could have opinions even dissenting opinions I took for granted until models and members were falling off the site like flies. I am troubled by the fact that as soon as this journal gets posted I will likely take a screen shot to show others what may have brought around a going grey or zot to my account. I have several of those screen shots on my computer already but since they arent on the boards I assume they are flying below the SG Admin Nazi Radar.
So what has the SG community done for me? Well it has opened the doors to meeting lots of awesome people. Helped me find the Carolina Roller Girls, roller derby team. It has introduced me to some really awesome artists. SG has the Plus Sized Woman group and they are the bomb and through the awesome female empowerment of those members I got of the courage to post my nekid ass on the internet and actually felt sexy, admired, and attractive, even if I was overweight. The People with Disabilities group is one of the best groups on the whole internet. And I of course love the 2 groups I own: Long Hair and Girl Squirt.
So SG does have some stuff to still offer me. And I appreciate every part of the things I mentioned and know that had I not joined the site I most likely never could have had some really awesome experiences and met some really great people, and a couple of those great people are half the reason I made it through the last presidential election without committing any illegal acts (thanks Kriss and Not_Tom).
Overall my response, as of late, has been to avoid the site until I work out my feelings and the various emotions and embarrassment (Yes embarrassment since people off the site are like Hey Kara isnt this article about the that site you are always talking about?) that got dredged up.
Love and hugs to everyone, and any honest responses to this here post will be most appreciated. I very much tried to convey a lot of emotions and feelings that have been flying around my head and the fact that I am taking the time to really consider the things that have been brought up says a lot about the people here on SG.
Because being able to share ideas and information is the reason the Web was created in the first place! - Electronic Frontier Foundation
Please bear with my rant.
Im still pissed as SuicideGirls for being a bitch to Gonzales and the Bush Admin. in the War on Porn. Maybe people like the organization above, the ACLU and Larry Fucking Flint will take a stand, in the meantime maybe SGs pres will grow some balls.
Ive been thinking about all the SG drama and shit lately and what it meant to me to find out that Sean is the owner of the site, and knowing that I only joined because of the image the put out; namely that Missy is the owner. It makes me think. Makes me wonder what that says about me. Makes me wonder if I had seen Sean promoting this awesome site with its groups, boards and cool news section, not to mention the awesomeness of most of the girls back in the days I joined, before there were even 300 girls, if I would have even bothered to join it. Did I only take the time to point my browser to suicidegirls.com because of Missy. Well lets be honest, I surfed here to see more of one beautiful girl on the HBO RealSex special. But would I have bought myself a subscription for my birthday last year, bought any swag or given them my money had I known that the promotion of the site was pretty much all a promotional tool rather than real. Probably not. And on top of that it makes me feel stupid for falling for it. And I sincerely dont appreciate giving anything to a company that makes me do that.
So over all I love the site design, many of the photosets are still what I bought into, in the beginning, excluding the ones SG admins have taken down.

Apparently that was all bullshit! The idea that models and members could have opinions even dissenting opinions I took for granted until models and members were falling off the site like flies. I am troubled by the fact that as soon as this journal gets posted I will likely take a screen shot to show others what may have brought around a going grey or zot to my account. I have several of those screen shots on my computer already but since they arent on the boards I assume they are flying below the SG Admin Nazi Radar.
So what has the SG community done for me? Well it has opened the doors to meeting lots of awesome people. Helped me find the Carolina Roller Girls, roller derby team. It has introduced me to some really awesome artists. SG has the Plus Sized Woman group and they are the bomb and through the awesome female empowerment of those members I got of the courage to post my nekid ass on the internet and actually felt sexy, admired, and attractive, even if I was overweight. The People with Disabilities group is one of the best groups on the whole internet. And I of course love the 2 groups I own: Long Hair and Girl Squirt.
So SG does have some stuff to still offer me. And I appreciate every part of the things I mentioned and know that had I not joined the site I most likely never could have had some really awesome experiences and met some really great people, and a couple of those great people are half the reason I made it through the last presidential election without committing any illegal acts (thanks Kriss and Not_Tom).
Overall my response, as of late, has been to avoid the site until I work out my feelings and the various emotions and embarrassment (Yes embarrassment since people off the site are like Hey Kara isnt this article about the that site you are always talking about?) that got dredged up.
Love and hugs to everyone, and any honest responses to this here post will be most appreciated. I very much tried to convey a lot of emotions and feelings that have been flying around my head and the fact that I am taking the time to really consider the things that have been brought up says a lot about the people here on SG.
Sorry about your sites' being down.
ah, he still remembers M, that is so sweet.