well, look who's updating her journal!
---FINALLY----- hehehe
sorry i haven't gotten back to everyone, i just haven't been online for awhile. but here is an update.
*quit my awful job
* went to do the dwarves video 2 weeks ago and met some amazing people and had a ton of fun. got bruised from head to toe but it was all worth it.
* will be shooting with blyss and charles gatewood this weekend. i'm so excited just to see her again. i can see why so many people fall head over heels for this girl.
it would be hard not too.
*still planning on a vacation, just need to narrow down where i want to go. i have a couple places in mind------hehehehe
i'm getting bored with my music and need some suggestions. what have you been listening to lately and how the hell are ya?

sorry i haven't gotten back to everyone, i just haven't been online for awhile. but here is an update.
*quit my awful job
* went to do the dwarves video 2 weeks ago and met some amazing people and had a ton of fun. got bruised from head to toe but it was all worth it.
* will be shooting with blyss and charles gatewood this weekend. i'm so excited just to see her again. i can see why so many people fall head over heels for this girl.

*still planning on a vacation, just need to narrow down where i want to go. i have a couple places in mind------hehehehe
i'm getting bored with my music and need some suggestions. what have you been listening to lately and how the hell are ya?

'west indian girl'
I'll second 'she wants revenge', but I'm a huge Joy Division fan
I'm addicted to 'goldfrapp' lately
if your really bored you could always visit me in Texas... nah, I wouldn't wish this palce on my worst enemy. damn I miss Seattle