Wow.... alright, this definitely deserves to be put in my journal.
Ok, so last nite - Go to shaps (24hour diner) with my friend matt last nite at around 1am for coffee and cigs, and to watch the drunk crowd. We start walkin in, and I notice this girl eyeing me, we exchange looks, I smile, she smiles, and matt and i get seated. Mind you we're across the diner from her, and I don't really have a good view. Well, about 10 minutes later, one of the waitresses comes up to our table, and says - "The girl over in that booth, in the black, is requesting your name, number, age, and whether you're single." I'm just psyched and am like - "HELL YA!!" 'cause this girl was cute. So, I give the waitress my info, and she takes it over to the girl. About 5 minutes later, she comes back, gives me a piece of paper, it has the girl's name and number on it. A couple of times, the girl kept looking over at me, and waved once, I of course, waved back. But neither of us went to the other's booth's and started conversation, I guess I should have, but I'm a pansy.... heh
My friend Matt, was kinda disappointed 'cause I was just gloating about it, but apparently another girl at that same booth, thought Matt was hot. Though he didn't get a name or number....
It's still a shock to me, this NEVER happens to me.... Last time it happened, about a year ago, I was at my bank, cashing my check, and these 3 girls in the back of a van kept screaming out to me, and one of them gave me her number. Though they were rather young...... >_>
So, now I have this girl's number, and plan to call it tonite, she what's up to, and if she wants to go out tonite.
In other news - gettin a new tattoo on Oct 13, it'll a symbol of my friend and mine's creation: --{X}-- it's goin on the back of my left upper arm. I can't wait.
So, I just got off the phone w/ her. She plays drums, and is studying to be a psychiatrist. Works @ Logan's in Flint (restaurant next to Genessee Valley Mall). And we're meeting up tonite
Ok, so last nite - Go to shaps (24hour diner) with my friend matt last nite at around 1am for coffee and cigs, and to watch the drunk crowd. We start walkin in, and I notice this girl eyeing me, we exchange looks, I smile, she smiles, and matt and i get seated. Mind you we're across the diner from her, and I don't really have a good view. Well, about 10 minutes later, one of the waitresses comes up to our table, and says - "The girl over in that booth, in the black, is requesting your name, number, age, and whether you're single." I'm just psyched and am like - "HELL YA!!" 'cause this girl was cute. So, I give the waitress my info, and she takes it over to the girl. About 5 minutes later, she comes back, gives me a piece of paper, it has the girl's name and number on it. A couple of times, the girl kept looking over at me, and waved once, I of course, waved back. But neither of us went to the other's booth's and started conversation, I guess I should have, but I'm a pansy.... heh
My friend Matt, was kinda disappointed 'cause I was just gloating about it, but apparently another girl at that same booth, thought Matt was hot. Though he didn't get a name or number....
It's still a shock to me, this NEVER happens to me.... Last time it happened, about a year ago, I was at my bank, cashing my check, and these 3 girls in the back of a van kept screaming out to me, and one of them gave me her number. Though they were rather young...... >_>
So, now I have this girl's number, and plan to call it tonite, she what's up to, and if she wants to go out tonite.
In other news - gettin a new tattoo on Oct 13, it'll a symbol of my friend and mine's creation: --{X}-- it's goin on the back of my left upper arm. I can't wait.
So, I just got off the phone w/ her. She plays drums, and is studying to be a psychiatrist. Works @ Logan's in Flint (restaurant next to Genessee Valley Mall). And we're meeting up tonite
