So.... nano-con.... teh good and teh bad
Good - Smash Bros was fun, dressed up in half kimono
Bad - woke up too late to sign up for teh singles tourney.....
And Team Rampage was a failure... I died 3 times in 36 secs w/ Bowser. But I was fightin w/ my friend (who played DK) against a Ness and a JigglyPuff. All 3 times, I got rested by teh jigglypuff (instant KO attack.....) it was sad......
Anyways, Sunday was fun though. Made Easter dinner, then drove out to Marquette @ 8pm to drop off my friend Joe's g/f Kirith. Stopped and saw our friend Dave's g/f Sara, she went berserk, and not in a good way........ She flipped when she saw Dave's tattoo, and punched a door.... The drive back was better, Meeshi called me, yay! We talked majority of teh drive home, that was fun times. Joe and Dave made fun of me most of teh time though.... O.o
that's about it really... gotta pick up my coat @ teh dry cleaners tomorrow, and get some $$ from teh dad, i'm broke, could barely afford Taco Bell tonight...
Good - Smash Bros was fun, dressed up in half kimono

Bad - woke up too late to sign up for teh singles tourney.....

Anyways, Sunday was fun though. Made Easter dinner, then drove out to Marquette @ 8pm to drop off my friend Joe's g/f Kirith. Stopped and saw our friend Dave's g/f Sara, she went berserk, and not in a good way........ She flipped when she saw Dave's tattoo, and punched a door.... The drive back was better, Meeshi called me, yay! We talked majority of teh drive home, that was fun times. Joe and Dave made fun of me most of teh time though.... O.o
that's about it really... gotta pick up my coat @ teh dry cleaners tomorrow, and get some $$ from teh dad, i'm broke, could barely afford Taco Bell tonight...
i still don't see why she flipped, is she his girlfriend and she didn't want him to get a tatoo or something?
lol you horrible man, you corruped that innocent Dave.