Party party party party!!
Tomorrow, it's teh 2nd Annual Free Jacko Party! Last year's I passed out way early, got antiqued, and ended up on I'm hoping that doesn't happen again this year. I'll try and ration my drinking this time ^^
Also, Sunday is my b-day! So wish me a happy one dammit! Or I'll bestow a curse of zombies, and send my pirate crew after you!! bwahaha!! It's also Sammi's b-day too, go figure, my g/f and I have teh same b-day.....
Tomorrow, it's teh 2nd Annual Free Jacko Party! Last year's I passed out way early, got antiqued, and ended up on I'm hoping that doesn't happen again this year. I'll try and ration my drinking this time ^^
Also, Sunday is my b-day! So wish me a happy one dammit! Or I'll bestow a curse of zombies, and send my pirate crew after you!! bwahaha!! It's also Sammi's b-day too, go figure, my g/f and I have teh same b-day.....
Happy birthday.

happy birthday to you, i hope you had a nice day.