SO Start Wars the Force Awakens...I am so freaking excited for this film, I watched the new trailer probably 50 times. I was skeptical when it was announced because it is such a beloved piece of my growing up, I have to say though that I am thrilled with the new designs and from what direction you get from the trailers I plan to be very pleased. Also got a loot crate in, I was much happier with this one than the last "Spy" themed crate. I got a D&D bow tie and t-shirt Harry Potter luggage tag, Princes Bride playing cards (which I will say as you wish whenever we play games with them) GOT magnets and a House Stark USB flash drive. The fantasy geek in me is very pleased lol. I also watched the new trailer for Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice aaaaannnndd... I'm not getting my hopes up. Being a huge Batman fan and a lover of the Christopher Nolan take on the franchise, I want SO much from this film. Well the storms are about to start here in Texas so I must go stay vigilant and prepare for my trip tomorrow, going to go see Blue October with my sister and niece! Have a great weekend friends!