Ok, I am a bit pissed off today. I should be happy.......making money, got a new iphone, my family is doing fine, there is no snow on the ground, and will be starting my bike project next month.......
What has pissed me off is these assholes that want to rewrite or just ignore things from our history. They want to abolish anything that has to do our founding fathers faith. These so called progressives don't want any type of religion expressed in public. I am by far not a religious person, but to discriminate against people for what the believe is just as bad as discrimination based on race, gender, or creed. Trying to rewrite history to be politically correct is just plain wrong!!! Just because you don't believe in someones beliefs doesn't give you the right to ignore or change things to make you feel better. Try going to the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam and leave out religion......you cannot do it because it was the reason why they were hiding!!! Peoples faith and religious freedom are 2 ideas that helped found this country.........you cannot erase that unless you just want brain washed drones in your "perfect" society!!! Each person is an individual that is uniquely different!!!! I may not agree with some peoples beliefs......but I'll fight to keep their voices free!!!
What has pissed me off is these assholes that want to rewrite or just ignore things from our history. They want to abolish anything that has to do our founding fathers faith. These so called progressives don't want any type of religion expressed in public. I am by far not a religious person, but to discriminate against people for what the believe is just as bad as discrimination based on race, gender, or creed. Trying to rewrite history to be politically correct is just plain wrong!!! Just because you don't believe in someones beliefs doesn't give you the right to ignore or change things to make you feel better. Try going to the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam and leave out religion......you cannot do it because it was the reason why they were hiding!!! Peoples faith and religious freedom are 2 ideas that helped found this country.........you cannot erase that unless you just want brain washed drones in your "perfect" society!!! Each person is an individual that is uniquely different!!!! I may not agree with some peoples beliefs......but I'll fight to keep their voices free!!!
+1 to that. 

I'm with you! I only ask that they honor the separation of church and state, when it comes to making laws, and governing our country!