I have been feeling kinda funny these last few weeks........my gut has been bothering me......deep down! Have we all got that hope and change we were all promised? No, yes, maybe, just a little??? How many of you want this universal health care? Why? Do you have health insurance now? Do you have a job? Do you still live with mommy and daddy? I would really like to know why you are for it so much. Does it give you a warm feeling knowing your little commie hearts are helping the underprivileged? Or is it a Robin Hood feeling about taking from the rich and giving to the poor? Are you backing this to help out the children? Or are you just a lazy ass pussy that floats from job to job or are to wrapped up in a "cool" lifestyle that thinks society owes you a something ever since you were squirted out???
First if your a communist.......I got some friends from Russia that would love to meet you and trash your whole day! Communism only works for those at the top; trickles down to party members, and a pile of shit is left for the rest of the citizenry! Just look at our own members of congress.....what a joke! Like they would ever put themselves in your shoes!!!
Taking from the rich........yeah right!!! Obama's Stimulus package......2 trillion spent, and what did regular folks get? Cash for clunkers!!! Woo Hoo!!! J.P. Morgan got billions and raised my credit card rate to 28%.....from 9%. Said they needed to raise it to stay profitable! The Joke was on them cause I paid my balance closed my acct. and told them they could go fuck themselves!!! Yes told them on the phone and in a nice long email!!! It made me feel good!!! I still call them from time to time to tell the that too!!! I love toll free numbers!!!
Can't find a job? Think something is beneath you? Yes, I know things are tough, but quit being a fucking pussy and take charge! Have a job you don't like or that doesn't pay well with no benefits? Take charge again asshole and find a new job? Put the x-box down and do what has to be done!!! Better yet, move to where the jobs are? Millions of illegals do it every year!!! Texas is booming right now while California is in the toilet!!! Go figure??? One state is run by conservatives and the other by liberal commies (yeah Arnold is a republitard not a conservative!!! ); one state refuses Obama's money and the other is begging for it!!!
Think you are helping the poor......go fuck yourself!!! How many poor around the world own a car? Have an x-box? Flat screen T.V.? How many poor around the world would love to pay( yes the privilege to pay) a doctor, much less get to see one more than once a year!!! Here the poor can see any doctor they want. Most take cash, or can work things out? They also have Health Care Saving Accounts!!! But that might take away from getting that new Iphone!!!
Oh the poor kiddies........try again loser!!!! SCHIP (State Children's Health Insurance Plan) was passed and expanded (Up to those 24 years old)!!! The only reason for a kid whose parents make under 80 grand a year to go with out health insurance is because their parents are lazy fucks that didn't fill out the forms!!!
I got news for you folks.......THERE ARE WINNERS AND THERE ARE LOSERS!!! Not everybody gets a trophy for showing up! And in real life we keep score!!! Your boss doesn't want someone to "just show up!" No, they want someone who works hard at making them a profit!!! It's called capitalism!!! Even the Commie Chinese know that!!!
Last, NO ONE OWES YOU A FUCKING THING!!! YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO SHIT!!! Not all of your parents were retards that didn't want to use a condom. Some of you were planned! I hope your parents taught you the American Dream......To do better than your Parents did!!! If you are over 21 and still live at home.....get the fuck out and get a real life!!! I have been on my own since 17. 5 years in the army and never looked back! My father lives with me! Not the other way around! My father is crippled from a work accident......family takes care of family!!! I know what family values are......he isn't going to some government housing or losing everything he has earned in his life, because he didn't raise me that way!!! Plus he still keeps his pride.....and I think that helps him make it day by day!
If you don't think you can do it for yourself and have to take from the rest of us.......please quit breathing my air!!! You are a waste of DNA!!! You have been given an opportunity to make something of yourself.......don't waste it!!! It is easier to make a living here than anywhere else on the planet! Health care is not a right. Health insurance is not a right. You do have the right to buy health care or insurance!!! What you think is free will cost you more than you will ever know......your freedom!!!
First if your a communist.......I got some friends from Russia that would love to meet you and trash your whole day! Communism only works for those at the top; trickles down to party members, and a pile of shit is left for the rest of the citizenry! Just look at our own members of congress.....what a joke! Like they would ever put themselves in your shoes!!!
Taking from the rich........yeah right!!! Obama's Stimulus package......2 trillion spent, and what did regular folks get? Cash for clunkers!!! Woo Hoo!!! J.P. Morgan got billions and raised my credit card rate to 28%.....from 9%. Said they needed to raise it to stay profitable! The Joke was on them cause I paid my balance closed my acct. and told them they could go fuck themselves!!! Yes told them on the phone and in a nice long email!!! It made me feel good!!! I still call them from time to time to tell the that too!!! I love toll free numbers!!!
Can't find a job? Think something is beneath you? Yes, I know things are tough, but quit being a fucking pussy and take charge! Have a job you don't like or that doesn't pay well with no benefits? Take charge again asshole and find a new job? Put the x-box down and do what has to be done!!! Better yet, move to where the jobs are? Millions of illegals do it every year!!! Texas is booming right now while California is in the toilet!!! Go figure??? One state is run by conservatives and the other by liberal commies (yeah Arnold is a republitard not a conservative!!! ); one state refuses Obama's money and the other is begging for it!!!
Think you are helping the poor......go fuck yourself!!! How many poor around the world own a car? Have an x-box? Flat screen T.V.? How many poor around the world would love to pay( yes the privilege to pay) a doctor, much less get to see one more than once a year!!! Here the poor can see any doctor they want. Most take cash, or can work things out? They also have Health Care Saving Accounts!!! But that might take away from getting that new Iphone!!!
Oh the poor kiddies........try again loser!!!! SCHIP (State Children's Health Insurance Plan) was passed and expanded (Up to those 24 years old)!!! The only reason for a kid whose parents make under 80 grand a year to go with out health insurance is because their parents are lazy fucks that didn't fill out the forms!!!
I got news for you folks.......THERE ARE WINNERS AND THERE ARE LOSERS!!! Not everybody gets a trophy for showing up! And in real life we keep score!!! Your boss doesn't want someone to "just show up!" No, they want someone who works hard at making them a profit!!! It's called capitalism!!! Even the Commie Chinese know that!!!
Last, NO ONE OWES YOU A FUCKING THING!!! YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO SHIT!!! Not all of your parents were retards that didn't want to use a condom. Some of you were planned! I hope your parents taught you the American Dream......To do better than your Parents did!!! If you are over 21 and still live at home.....get the fuck out and get a real life!!! I have been on my own since 17. 5 years in the army and never looked back! My father lives with me! Not the other way around! My father is crippled from a work accident......family takes care of family!!! I know what family values are......he isn't going to some government housing or losing everything he has earned in his life, because he didn't raise me that way!!! Plus he still keeps his pride.....and I think that helps him make it day by day!
If you don't think you can do it for yourself and have to take from the rest of us.......please quit breathing my air!!! You are a waste of DNA!!! You have been given an opportunity to make something of yourself.......don't waste it!!! It is easier to make a living here than anywhere else on the planet! Health care is not a right. Health insurance is not a right. You do have the right to buy health care or insurance!!! What you think is free will cost you more than you will ever know......your freedom!!!