I am all better now! Not that anyone really cares of course, but my bout with the bladder infection is gone! I can finally pee like a normal human again.......I guess?
I get to go back to work tomorrow.......off to Laredo Texas.
Last week end I went out and bought one of these.......

Last week end I went out and bought one of these.......
A few Weekends ago I went with my Father to The Clinton Presidential Library. Here are some pics.
Looks like a big singlewide trailer.......kind of fitting for Arkansas!!!
See I was telling the truth!
I couldn't find any cigars; so guess it isn't an exact replica of the oval office!
Yeah That is a Vincent Chopper.....too fucking Cool!!!
If you wanna see more go toMy Myspace Page and just click on pic's.
Until next time.......