Yarg! Oh my goodness, Im updating haha. Ive been really sick lately so forgive me for slacking. Its been an interesting couple weeks. I have some fun stories for you all!
Story 1: I dont remember exactly when it was last Monday maybe I left Steves house at 11pm and was going to head home and my buddy Josh called me and told me to come camping with him and our buddy Hooch. I get to where Im supposed to meet them and figure it would be a normal campsite and such. Wrong. Its, like, midnight and they meet me up by where we park and then we have to hike for, like, half an hour through the woods no trail. Bastards. Oh well, we had a blast. I had told Steve Id call him when I got home so I tried to call him when I got to our camp spot but had no reception. No big deal right? Incorrect. The next day when I finally get to where I have reception, I have 9 missed calls. One being well, I met your dad you arent answering your phone so I drove to your house (like, a half hour drive) bla bla bla from Steve (8 of the calls were from him) and he had had a silent alert called into the police on my car and such ahahahahaha beautiful. One of the calls was my dad telling me to call him before he put my face on the side of a milk carton and divided up my toys and started playing with them. So, thats fun.
Story 2: The other day I was sitting in the Wal Mart break room with Steve on his break and there was this guy in there that was saying Im going to go see Star Wars tomorrow at midnight, and Im going to be the geek there with my light saber and I got all excited and told him that Im not a big Star Wars fan but that Id buy a light saber and go battle him while he waited in line. I was going to but couldnt get someone to cover for me at work for a couple hours. So the next day I went into Wal Mart while he was working and attacked him. He told me he had waited for me to jump out and attack him and that he was going to go see the movie again the next day at noon so I told him Id come battle him. Well, I figured it wouldnt be as cool if he was expecting it so I was going to attack him after the movie. I figured the movie was 3 hours long so I got there at 3:30 and waited until 3:45 but then had to go to work turns out the movie didnt get out until 4 something. Soooo sometime next week were going to go see the movie and were just going to duel it out in the theatre. I didnt know his name until yesterday so I just referred to him as my epic battle buddy. His name is Matt.
Story 3: Yesterday Josh and I went and picked up our paychecks and were fixing to head to Lexington. He was signing his check and it flew out the window as I was driving down the road. Hahahaha and I thought I had shitty luck. Classic. So, we call the main boss and she gets him another one which he was more careful with. We go to Lexington, have a grand ol time. We went to the mall and terrorized and got some cool shit. I got a badass Misfits hat it makes me happy. Josh had a shirt made for me that says Skank and Smoothies bitch (thats his and our buddy Larrys wrestling names) for me to wear to their matches. I also bought a Volcom shirt (Im a sucker for Volcom). We went to the Hustler store (not as cool as the one in Hollywood but sometimes you gotta make do) and I got a shirt that says I may not be Mrs. Right but Ill fuck you until she comes along. Its great. Got some badass undies too, hooray. We went to Hooters and drank beer and ate hot wings and hit on our waitress well, I did you cant go to Hooters and not hit on the waitress, its not a complete cheesy trip if you dont hit on her! OH! I finally found Donnie Darko, one of the greatest movies ever, so of course I had to buy that too. Anywho eventually I get home and I talk to Steve on the phone for a few and then I guess he called my sister and was talking to her and then all of the sudden hes at the front door (keeping in mind, its 1am and he didnt tell either of us he was coming). We were all sitting bullshitting with my dad and my sis says something along the lines of I bet shed like to know about the bet and Steve gives her a mean look and starts walking out of the room so I ask what bet? Im sure dad would like to hear this too (cuz my dad loves him) well, he wouldnt tell me. Soooo Kim ends up telling me (not around dad) that originally Steve and a couple other guys in our EMT class had made a bet on who could get me in bed first awesome. I got pretty pissed at that I wouldnt have cared if he had told me when we had started hanging out all the time. I think I made him cry I had been drinking and finally made some comment saying why dont we BET on it? and he realized my sis had told me well, I went off. He apologized and told me he didnt mean to start liking me bla bla bla Im not sure what Im gonna do about that yet. Josh told me I should tell him to kick rocks.
And now for just random nonsense. Im a loser and was supposed to go to the strip club with my buddy psychobilly for his birthday but was way sick and slept for 2 days and missed out. I feel like such an asshole. IM SORRY!!!! My buddy, Jason, has been permanently 86d from all Disney property hahaha fucking AWESOME! I guess he and a bunch of our friends went to see Millencollin at the House of Blues in Anaheim (owned by Disney) and he got kicked out, caused a scene and got 86d. Priceless. I was gonna post some pics but cant find the cable that links my camera and computer... lame. Well, thats all for now....
Story 1: I dont remember exactly when it was last Monday maybe I left Steves house at 11pm and was going to head home and my buddy Josh called me and told me to come camping with him and our buddy Hooch. I get to where Im supposed to meet them and figure it would be a normal campsite and such. Wrong. Its, like, midnight and they meet me up by where we park and then we have to hike for, like, half an hour through the woods no trail. Bastards. Oh well, we had a blast. I had told Steve Id call him when I got home so I tried to call him when I got to our camp spot but had no reception. No big deal right? Incorrect. The next day when I finally get to where I have reception, I have 9 missed calls. One being well, I met your dad you arent answering your phone so I drove to your house (like, a half hour drive) bla bla bla from Steve (8 of the calls were from him) and he had had a silent alert called into the police on my car and such ahahahahaha beautiful. One of the calls was my dad telling me to call him before he put my face on the side of a milk carton and divided up my toys and started playing with them. So, thats fun.
Story 2: The other day I was sitting in the Wal Mart break room with Steve on his break and there was this guy in there that was saying Im going to go see Star Wars tomorrow at midnight, and Im going to be the geek there with my light saber and I got all excited and told him that Im not a big Star Wars fan but that Id buy a light saber and go battle him while he waited in line. I was going to but couldnt get someone to cover for me at work for a couple hours. So the next day I went into Wal Mart while he was working and attacked him. He told me he had waited for me to jump out and attack him and that he was going to go see the movie again the next day at noon so I told him Id come battle him. Well, I figured it wouldnt be as cool if he was expecting it so I was going to attack him after the movie. I figured the movie was 3 hours long so I got there at 3:30 and waited until 3:45 but then had to go to work turns out the movie didnt get out until 4 something. Soooo sometime next week were going to go see the movie and were just going to duel it out in the theatre. I didnt know his name until yesterday so I just referred to him as my epic battle buddy. His name is Matt.
Story 3: Yesterday Josh and I went and picked up our paychecks and were fixing to head to Lexington. He was signing his check and it flew out the window as I was driving down the road. Hahahaha and I thought I had shitty luck. Classic. So, we call the main boss and she gets him another one which he was more careful with. We go to Lexington, have a grand ol time. We went to the mall and terrorized and got some cool shit. I got a badass Misfits hat it makes me happy. Josh had a shirt made for me that says Skank and Smoothies bitch (thats his and our buddy Larrys wrestling names) for me to wear to their matches. I also bought a Volcom shirt (Im a sucker for Volcom). We went to the Hustler store (not as cool as the one in Hollywood but sometimes you gotta make do) and I got a shirt that says I may not be Mrs. Right but Ill fuck you until she comes along. Its great. Got some badass undies too, hooray. We went to Hooters and drank beer and ate hot wings and hit on our waitress well, I did you cant go to Hooters and not hit on the waitress, its not a complete cheesy trip if you dont hit on her! OH! I finally found Donnie Darko, one of the greatest movies ever, so of course I had to buy that too. Anywho eventually I get home and I talk to Steve on the phone for a few and then I guess he called my sister and was talking to her and then all of the sudden hes at the front door (keeping in mind, its 1am and he didnt tell either of us he was coming). We were all sitting bullshitting with my dad and my sis says something along the lines of I bet shed like to know about the bet and Steve gives her a mean look and starts walking out of the room so I ask what bet? Im sure dad would like to hear this too (cuz my dad loves him) well, he wouldnt tell me. Soooo Kim ends up telling me (not around dad) that originally Steve and a couple other guys in our EMT class had made a bet on who could get me in bed first awesome. I got pretty pissed at that I wouldnt have cared if he had told me when we had started hanging out all the time. I think I made him cry I had been drinking and finally made some comment saying why dont we BET on it? and he realized my sis had told me well, I went off. He apologized and told me he didnt mean to start liking me bla bla bla Im not sure what Im gonna do about that yet. Josh told me I should tell him to kick rocks.
And now for just random nonsense. Im a loser and was supposed to go to the strip club with my buddy psychobilly for his birthday but was way sick and slept for 2 days and missed out. I feel like such an asshole. IM SORRY!!!! My buddy, Jason, has been permanently 86d from all Disney property hahaha fucking AWESOME! I guess he and a bunch of our friends went to see Millencollin at the House of Blues in Anaheim (owned by Disney) and he got kicked out, caused a scene and got 86d. Priceless. I was gonna post some pics but cant find the cable that links my camera and computer... lame. Well, thats all for now....
your pretty.

The best time ever you should come next time.