Hello hello to all! Its been a couple days since Ive posted (holy crap, I actually moved away from my computer!!!) but I have a good excuse. I finally made friends here in Kentucky recently, and have been hanging out with them. Its nice to get out of the house for something other than work and class! Also, to top it all off, (which might be a let down to some haha) I guess Im dating someone now. Haha, it hasnt been actually discussed but we might as well be. So, thats a nice change. I swore I wasnt going to date anyone here because I dont want to have a reason not to go back to Seattle but well see. I was out with the guy Im dating and a friend of ours (the Steves as I call them) and they got paged out to a fire so, I tagged along to that. It ended up being a fire where a meth lab exploded. The department that got paged out to it originally called dispatch 15 minutes after they got paged out and said to send out another department cuz their trucks wouldnt start. So, by the time we got there, the house was pretty much leveled. I felt really bad for the guy whos house it was because he just had to sit there and watch his house burn down. But, thats a risk in cooking meth I guess. My Steve looked dead sexy in his turnout gear hahaha ahh Im a dork.
My photoset is still waiting to be queued what a pain in the ass for someone with as little patience as me hahaha However, theres lots of girls in line so, sometimes you just gotta grin and bear it! No worries.
My photoset is still waiting to be queued what a pain in the ass for someone with as little patience as me hahaha However, theres lots of girls in line so, sometimes you just gotta grin and bear it! No worries.

well i hope kentucky will be drier in may! heh. emailing you right now.