Wow... it has been a billion years since I posted. Since then, Seattle lost another musician. Ben (the last person I posted about) was more a friend of friends... but was always sweet to me. Last month (I believe, I try not to think about it) Seattle lost a music icon. My friend Slats passed away. If you google Slats Seattle, you can learn about him... love him or hate him, Slats was a Seattle icon. Lots of rumors have gone around about him being a drug addict... but his close friends knew why he was the way he was, and that rumors are bullshit. He was a pain in the ass but a pain in the ass that I miss greatly.
I've gone back down to California for a bit... my friend/former boss wanted help until she sold her pizza place... I missed Cali, so, took the opportunity. It officially sells at the end of June... where shall I wander next??
I'm not on here much, I finally got my computer up and running, so I will try to be on more... SG just doesn't have my heart any more. Everyone has seen me naked, unfortunately not at my full potential, and it has been almost 7 years buuuuuuut... I dunno, we'll see.
<3's to anyone that still pays attention to my rambling.
Also: I just realized I have lots of friend requests... I'm sorry, I haven't been ignoring everyone!!!
I've gone back down to California for a bit... my friend/former boss wanted help until she sold her pizza place... I missed Cali, so, took the opportunity. It officially sells at the end of June... where shall I wander next??
I'm not on here much, I finally got my computer up and running, so I will try to be on more... SG just doesn't have my heart any more. Everyone has seen me naked, unfortunately not at my full potential, and it has been almost 7 years buuuuuuut... I dunno, we'll see.
<3's to anyone that still pays attention to my rambling.
Also: I just realized I have lots of friend requests... I'm sorry, I haven't been ignoring everyone!!!
How's the weather in Cali still? Have you found out where you might wonder next? You could have a show called "SG On The Road: America!" lol dunno... just an idea. 

thank you? thank you! miss your face off, too. hey, so when do you come back to me??