Funny story...
No names will be used.
Not too long ago, I told "him" that I wasn't going to speak to him any more because I am sick of arguing. I got enough of that when we were together. He got mad at me and said that we should be friends, and not fight. This never works with him BUT, again, I agreed.
The other day I was randomly bullshitting with him, and he sends me a message about "fulfilling the ultimate guy fantasy." He then proceeds to tell me that he left the strip club with the hottest stripper there, and had sex with her "for free." I said "congrats," and suggested he get tested because I doubt he was the first. I have a feeling he told me all of this to try and get a reaction out of me... and apparently, he didn't like my reaction. Haha. He then started talking shit about me, and my being in a relationship. I pointed out that, even if I weren't in a relationship, he would have no chance. He has slept around so much recently that I am disgusted with him, and not physically attracted to him whatsoever any more. At this point, he told me that he lied about the amount of people he had slept with to make himself feel better, and to look better... or something to that effect. He also said something about how he is still in love with me, and upset that I am with someone else. I continuously tried to avoid arguing with him because it is pointless. I pointed out that he was trying to get me to fight with him, and he replied with something to the effect of "yeah, it's all my fault, you're so much better than I am." He then called me a whore. The next day he asked me for our friends phone number (so he could get the coke hook up when he goes home for Christmas... ahhh.... some things never change, never will). I gave him the number, and told him that I had no desire to talk to him unless he intended to apologize for being a dick for absolutely no reason. He didn't.
Why does he try to be my friend, if he is just going to get drunk and be a dick??? He's not a bad friend when he is being normal!
SO, again... my life is stress free, for the most part. At least until he reads this, and sends me a text message about how much of a whore I am, or something...
Rob laughed when I told him how much of a whore that I apparently am. His response was "yeah... since you totally slept with me the first night we hung out" (for those of you who don't get sarcasm, there was no sex).
In other news... I survived Thanksgiving, and my birthday. My little brother came to visit me, hooray!
How is everyone doing??
OH! I have a photographer interested in working with me... new set soon?
No names will be used.
Not too long ago, I told "him" that I wasn't going to speak to him any more because I am sick of arguing. I got enough of that when we were together. He got mad at me and said that we should be friends, and not fight. This never works with him BUT, again, I agreed.
The other day I was randomly bullshitting with him, and he sends me a message about "fulfilling the ultimate guy fantasy." He then proceeds to tell me that he left the strip club with the hottest stripper there, and had sex with her "for free." I said "congrats," and suggested he get tested because I doubt he was the first. I have a feeling he told me all of this to try and get a reaction out of me... and apparently, he didn't like my reaction. Haha. He then started talking shit about me, and my being in a relationship. I pointed out that, even if I weren't in a relationship, he would have no chance. He has slept around so much recently that I am disgusted with him, and not physically attracted to him whatsoever any more. At this point, he told me that he lied about the amount of people he had slept with to make himself feel better, and to look better... or something to that effect. He also said something about how he is still in love with me, and upset that I am with someone else. I continuously tried to avoid arguing with him because it is pointless. I pointed out that he was trying to get me to fight with him, and he replied with something to the effect of "yeah, it's all my fault, you're so much better than I am." He then called me a whore. The next day he asked me for our friends phone number (so he could get the coke hook up when he goes home for Christmas... ahhh.... some things never change, never will). I gave him the number, and told him that I had no desire to talk to him unless he intended to apologize for being a dick for absolutely no reason. He didn't.
Why does he try to be my friend, if he is just going to get drunk and be a dick??? He's not a bad friend when he is being normal!
SO, again... my life is stress free, for the most part. At least until he reads this, and sends me a text message about how much of a whore I am, or something...
Rob laughed when I told him how much of a whore that I apparently am. His response was "yeah... since you totally slept with me the first night we hung out" (for those of you who don't get sarcasm, there was no sex).
In other news... I survived Thanksgiving, and my birthday. My little brother came to visit me, hooray!
How is everyone doing??
OH! I have a photographer interested in working with me... new set soon?
just kidding people hahah
psssh im interested in working with you... wooo im clever
my beards still growing... i still dont know what to do with it