I fucking give up. I don't know what the fuck his deal is but I know for damn sure it's not my fault... GRRR... I'm sure this isn't anything the world cares to hear about but I'm venting so if you want to read on, feel free haha. My boyfriend used to be very into sex... at least once a day. Now it's once a week... maybe. I found these links for personals sites on my visited websites and confronted him about it and he said it was so he could look at pics for free, and not have to have a credit card. He also said that he doesn't respond to any of his messages. Well, I was kinda iffy about it but blew it off. So the other day I scope out one and see for myself. His profile suggsts otherwise and that he does answer his messages. So I created a profile to fuck with him... (not a fake profile) and talked about how my bf would rather beat off to bitches online than satisfy me... and sent him a message asking what else he lies to me about. I've told him that if he's not happy with me or I'm doing something wrong, to tell me... I'd rather know. He swears thats not it. Grr... what to do. Ha if you want to scope it out it's www.meonyou.com and my name is miss_chaos (and I'm full of shit on there, I'm in no way interested in cyber sex haha) his is old7jackd.
Good god, someone cheer me up.
Good god, someone cheer me up.

I've Had Some GF's That Didn't Want Me On This Site Though. And I Would Have Left It Be Except For The Fact That I Have about 15 Friends That Plan Events Via The SGFL Boards. Although I Think That Is Acceptable. I Do Not Believe The Other Site Is.