Alright soooooo... my weekend = awesome.
Presidentdeaton and I headed over to Louisville yesterday for SGKY bowling. How'd that go you say? I'll let you guys find out when Pyrate posts about it. We played some air hockey and then headed over to a party. All in all it was a blast. Our mission of the night was to get Black Spot shitfaced seeming how it was his firt time drinking. We succeeded. Met some new people, drank some beer... refrained from punching a girl in the face. Haha. True story. See... that has never happened. I love to fight but for some reason I didn't have the urge to bother. I was too amused. It's a friends girlfriend. She was talking to Pyrate when I was walking into the house, she was looking at me weird so I said hi and that I wasn't sure if I had met her before. She said something along the lines of "oh, don't act like you don't know who I am" and I said "yeah...
's girlfriend" and then she went on some big spiel about me commenting on his page saying I want to have sex with him and that I think he's so hot... which... my comment was "you've never looked sexier... haha j/k" (it was a pic of him pukeing). I've never said anything about wanting to have sex with him because frankly, I don't haha. Then she stormed out. Well, I was laughing about it and she came back in and got in my face saying that I was making fun of her or something. By then
came in and dragged her out, and I guess took her home. Oh well haha. Maybe I'm losing my edge. Anywho, this morning I woke up sitting on the couch with Black Spot and Pyrate was in the recliner (such lovely boys to wake up to haha) buuuuuuuut presidentdeaton was nowhere to be found. Black Spot said the last place he had seen him was downstairs playing Guitar Hero. So I went downstairs and there he was. Minus his pants. No one has any idea as to why he had no pants on. It took a few of us ransacking the house to find them too. Pyrate ended up finding them by the washing machine. Perhaps he felt the need to do laundry?... On a shitty note, presidentdeaton lost his digital camera somewhere at the house
Hopefully it turns up.
Anywho, this morning a bunch of the party crew went to Cracker Barrel (harhar the old folks home for the feeding tube special as my friend Jeremy says). Our waitress was really nice. She gave me business cards for a tattoo shop but by looking at the cards, I would never go to that shop haha. They're pretty crappy. Oh well, I guess it's lame to say that but meh. So, yeah... us weirdos amongst the church going Sunday crowd. Good times. After that, we went to Pyrates for a bit, and then to the Why Louisville store so I could buy Pyrates shirt. Hooray hooray. Sadly, we had to be back by 5 so we had to bail shortly after that
I didn't make it back in time to get tattooed buuuuut I'll live. Perhaps I'll get 'em tomorrow.
Alright, now that I've written a novel. I think I'm done. I'm putting the pictures Aijin photoshoped for me in this blog (they were in the previous one) because I think they're awesome. I'm also puting the Lamb of God thing back up because it still cracks me up.

Presidentdeaton and I headed over to Louisville yesterday for SGKY bowling. How'd that go you say? I'll let you guys find out when Pyrate posts about it. We played some air hockey and then headed over to a party. All in all it was a blast. Our mission of the night was to get Black Spot shitfaced seeming how it was his firt time drinking. We succeeded. Met some new people, drank some beer... refrained from punching a girl in the face. Haha. True story. See... that has never happened. I love to fight but for some reason I didn't have the urge to bother. I was too amused. It's a friends girlfriend. She was talking to Pyrate when I was walking into the house, she was looking at me weird so I said hi and that I wasn't sure if I had met her before. She said something along the lines of "oh, don't act like you don't know who I am" and I said "yeah...

Anywho, this morning a bunch of the party crew went to Cracker Barrel (harhar the old folks home for the feeding tube special as my friend Jeremy says). Our waitress was really nice. She gave me business cards for a tattoo shop but by looking at the cards, I would never go to that shop haha. They're pretty crappy. Oh well, I guess it's lame to say that but meh. So, yeah... us weirdos amongst the church going Sunday crowd. Good times. After that, we went to Pyrates for a bit, and then to the Why Louisville store so I could buy Pyrates shirt. Hooray hooray. Sadly, we had to be back by 5 so we had to bail shortly after that

Alright, now that I've written a novel. I think I'm done. I'm putting the pictures Aijin photoshoped for me in this blog (they were in the previous one) because I think they're awesome. I'm also puting the Lamb of God thing back up because it still cracks me up.

love that first and third pic. congrats on not passing out the pounding to
's girl. As my wrestling pals would say you were just saving it for the pay-per-view.

a good time was had by all, well by all except my roommate.