I got a message from my brother on myspace today... It was entitled "I got arrested"
In other news... my buddy Jared and I have been discussing my tattoo ideas... I'm strongly considering half sleeves and was debating scenes from A Clockwork Orange and The Crow (2 of my all time fav movies) for them. Here's some of the pic's I considered as the main focus...
I was thinking The Crow for one side and A Clockwork Orange for the other. Then again, forever ago when I discussed letting my buddy Michael sleeve me, we discussed Jhonen Vasquez's Squee... one side good and one evil... I'm too lazy to hunt the main pic's for that up but heres Squee...
and the center for one side was going to be innocent Squee praying, and the evil side was going to be this pic of him sitting in a padded room with a fork stuck in his head, and a pentagram on his forehead, looking all crazed. *sigh* Too many ideas floating around in my brain.
Went to a shindig at Pyrates this past weekend... good times. Pic's will be posted. Got to meet several SGKY people and that was awesome. Alas, his upstairs neighbor didn't agree with the awesomeness of it so in the future, shindigs will be held elsewhere.
Hrm... well, I think I'm done with my rambling for the time being. I still have yet to make a conclusion on the hair debate but I'll post pic's if I do change it of course.