some times its bad to get to emotional ... i guess we are brain ppl no heart ppl .. too much heart baby too much heart .. i lookin at these pages and they dont turn me on anymore ... now thats wrong .. im smitten ... brokken hearted .. haha .. shit .. but i was fine .. thas watt i thot .. till...
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a late thank you for all your comments on my set blush
and also the comparison with Shirley Manson, blush blush

Syndel says thanks wink
im doin dread locks on my hair .. it all started last week wen i was going to this reggea concert ... this rasta dude at work told me dude i can do dreads man itll rock .. he just did me this half trial rasta it sucked .. he ended up trying to make out with my girl at the concert .. dude .....
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yesterday ARRR!!!
Thankyou for your comment on my set! biggrin