Kandy is published in this months issue of Bizarre!!!
Sorry to toot my horn but this has been a long ambition of mine, i love this mag and never imagined i'd be in it someday, unless maybe a shitty snapshot of a tattoo or something but they have featured me as one of their next top Alt models!
I'm so happy!
And i'll have a cover later this year! fuck yeah!
Here's the feature:
And the cover has the beautiful Mosh on it if u wanna go grab a copy
I'm gonna go skip round for a bit
Kandy is published in this months issue of Bizarre!!!
Sorry to toot my horn but this has been a long ambition of mine, i love this mag and never imagined i'd be in it someday, unless maybe a shitty snapshot of a tattoo or something but they have featured me as one of their next top Alt models!
I'm so happy!
And i'll have a cover later this year! fuck yeah!
Here's the feature:
And the cover has the beautiful Mosh on it if u wanna go grab a copy
I'm gonna go skip round for a bit
a lots of kisses to you