First snow of the year on the first of December, kinda lame. So bored I can't find anything to do in my free time.
Finally have two days off were I don't have to be running all over the place and I can relax.
I really need to stop buying and playing shitty video games:

Got my car back from the shop, had to drop 500 dollars on a new fuel pump. Hopefully my car as a whole will stick together for another 3 or 4 years, but knowing my luck something else will crap out soon.
What a shitty day. Even though I haven't had any sleep in over 24hours I ended up having to attend a family gathering that I completely forgot about. On the way, my car breaks down and has to be towed. So, instead of carrying out my plan of having an actual few days off, I have to deal with a bunch of bullshit.

The only...
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Another crappy week over with, time to punish my liver. Disappointing Red Wings loss last night, but at least they picked up a point. Hopefully they can finish their home game stand with a nice 5-0-1 by getting a win vs. the Flames Sunday.
Bored, tired, sitting here waiting for a package that apparently takes 12 hours to deliver.
I hate to rant, I've been feeling like complete trash these last few weeks. I'm always tired but can only sleep in chunks of hours. My head has been so clouded I can barely think straight enough to remember what day it is. I have had this looming feeling that I've missed some important deadline like I haven't paid my taxes or rent. I just...
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Have you ever been so drunk that you walk into the bathroom and see yourself in the mirror in the corner of your eye then think someone else was in the bathroom? Ya, that just happened.
Wow, my favorite blog ever.


I can see that happening to me, since my eyes literally don't focus on anything and I just see colors and movement when I get to a certain point.
Thank you so much for the comments on my set! smilekiss
I finally got a haircut, first since around march. I successfully went from looking like a hobo to somewhat decent. I do miss the beard though, I guess its time to regrow it. Thank go the rather shitty week is coming to the end as I'm looking forward to destroying my liver on saturday and sunday.
<blush> Thx for ur vote hun X