Farewell for awhile.
I've been obsessed with Game of Thrones lately. I keep re-watching episodes and reading through the wiki. I'm slowly making my way through the books since I haven't had the huge will to read lately. Hopefully I'll have them all done before the next hockey season starts..
Thank you
7eufel is now Kandosii.
Decided to change my username and remove the pics of myself for the time being. Might put some newer pics up later if I'm not too lazy.
Decided to change my username and remove the pics of myself for the time being. Might put some newer pics up later if I'm not too lazy.
Finally updated my profile pic from a shot my sister took of me while entertaining my nephew with some broken 3D glasses. Now to get drunk because I'm 28.
happy birthday!!!
Playoff hockey time, lets go Red Wings!
Sick for the second time this year with I don't know what. I don't really feel all that bad but something is clearly wrong with me. On top of that, I gotta get a new car soon and find a new place to live at a decent rate. Overall, just minor shit to bitch about compared to everyone else's problems.
thanks for comment my set babe!
Hey, blog update....
...there is nothing to update.
...there is nothing to update.
thank you very much for your support in my set!
Awee Thank you so much! <3
happy new year.
You're a sweetheart ! Thank you !
Or you could fuck something else...
Just getting over a week long sinus infection of some sort. I was taking some old cold meds in my cabinet and they fucked me up worse than being sick in the first place. They gave me the worst dry mouth, insomnia, and at one point I think was actually hallucinating. Now its back to feeling slightly less shitty on a daily basis :/
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This insomnia is pissing me off.
thank you! i'm glad you enjoyed it. the set didn't do so well in review but i still love it and there are more on the horizon. i have had random bouts of insomnia since 4th grade. i hope you are at least getting some of the super awesome late nights out of it in addition to the ones where you just want to fucking SLEEEEEEP. it is so nice to be up when everyone else is sleeping though. i find it a pleasant time to go for strolls or just sit out on the porch with some whiskey seeing who strolls by at all hours of the nights. or just listening to night sound like crickets and trains and howling winds. somehow, all more epic when alone in your awakeness
I miss hockey already.