so i'm trying to look at things differently. i guess it's a matter of survival.
no new revelations...
i'm trying to be here now,
to start where I am...
to let go of expectations...
to love myself honestly
and stop compromising.
it's one breath at a time.
i'm tired of my heart feeling empty and longing for something i don't even understand.
I am trying to stop waiting for the future and obsessing over the past...
I wish everyone would try...
I wish everyone would stop giving up on themselves and everyone else.
wishes are pointless...
i just have to walk the walk or shut the fuck up.
no new revelations...
i'm trying to be here now,
to start where I am...
to let go of expectations...
to love myself honestly
and stop compromising.
it's one breath at a time.
i'm tired of my heart feeling empty and longing for something i don't even understand.
I am trying to stop waiting for the future and obsessing over the past...
I wish everyone would try...
I wish everyone would stop giving up on themselves and everyone else.
wishes are pointless...
i just have to walk the walk or shut the fuck up.
Damn, you really make me miss my septum ring. Always was my fav piercing. My nose seems so naked without it. Those were the days - boyish haircuts too. Check my pics for that one.
And yes, live for today. Forget about the fuck ups of the past and just try to better yourself beyond that for tomorrw - yet don't think about the future to the point of insanity. Most importantly - to thine self always be true (like you said )
Psst! Friend me! *hearts sqp*